Bug #62514 FR: Provide a new grant to enable STOP/START SLAVE for batch jobs
Submitted: 23 Sep 2011 14:04 Modified: 23 Sep 2011 14:13
Reporter: Simon Mudd (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Security: Privileges Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:all versions OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: windmill

[23 Sep 2011 14:04] Simon Mudd
I run batch jobs that take several hours on some slaves. To prevent replication interfering with these big runs it would be convenient if the application were able to stop and start the replication threads as this ensures a "stable batch environment".

Currently to do this requires SUPER privileges which allows other things. A privilege specific to this functionality would be useful and avoid SUPER being given to applications.

How to repeat:
As a normal application you can not do: START SLAVE or STOP SLAVE.
This requires SUPER privileges.

Suggested fix:
Provide a new privilege such as GRANT REPLICATION OPERATOR (?) which would allow STOP/START SLAVE to be performed.

We can argue whether this privilege should allow the application to CHANGE configurations. That might need a more complete GRANT REPLICATION ADMINISTRATOR privilege.  Adding that too might be nice, but right now that is not a concern.
[23 Sep 2011 14:13] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for the feature request.