Bug #61723 Horizontal Tab Arrows Should Advance a Full Tab at a Time
Submitted: 1 Jul 2011 17:45 Modified: 10 Dec 2014 9:15
Reporter: David Berg Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.2.34 CE OS:Windows (XP Pro SP3)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[1 Jul 2011 17:45] David Berg
On both the query pane and the results pane, left/right arrows at the right edge of the pane banners allow the user to scroll through multiple query and result tabs when their number exceeds the window's width.

However, they scroll only two characters at a time, which is frustratingly slow when toggling between queries and/or results that are beyond the left or right edge of the window.

Better, perhaps, that they should scroll a full tab at a time, making it easier to navigate among tabs.

How to repeat:
Open Workbench to the SQL Editor.
Create a number of Query tabs that exceed the width of the window. Either open a series of existing queries, or create new scratch areas, until the arrows are activated.

Scroll through the query tabs. Note that they scroll only two characters at a time rather than full tabs at a time.

Suggested fix:
Scroll through query tabs and results tabs a full tab at a time.
[2 Jul 2011 7:41] Valeriy Kravchuk
On Mac OS X it scrolls one tab at a time, as expected...
[4 Jul 2011 9:14] Valeriy Kravchuk
Verified on Windows XP.
[4 Jul 2011 18:58] David Berg
A bonus would be to add ->| and |<- features to advance directly to the last/first tab, respectively.
[10 Dec 2014 9:15] Mike Lischke
If we'd change navigation we would implement that in a different way. But for now that stays as it is.