Bug #61553 MySQL Workbench: Modeling: Partitioning specifications remain after disable
Submitted: 17 Jun 2011 16:53 Modified: 17 Jun 2011 19:56
Reporter: James Zimmerman II Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.34 OS:Linux (Ubuntu 11.04)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[17 Jun 2011 16:53] James Zimmerman II
When using MySQL Workbench (latest stable version downloaded three days ago from site) and using it for modeling, if you add partitioning to a table, then disable partitioning later, the "Synchronize to Database" still tries to write partitioning changes.  The only means to currently disable this effectively appears to be opening the MWB file as a ZIP archive, extracting document.mwb.xml, manually removing the partitionCount and partitionExpression values, saving and copying back into the document.mwb.xml.  It does work if you delete the table, but if you accidentally enable this on an existing database that you don't have the ability to just drop table easily, it can be quite frustrating.

How to repeat:
Create table, add partitioning, then disable partitioning and run "Synchronize with Database".

Suggested fix:
When disabling partitioning, destroy the values contained in the settings so the workbench does not attempt to still partition even when disabled.
[17 Jun 2011 17:38] Valeriy Kravchuk
What exact version of MySQL Workbench, 5.2.x, and on what OS do you use?

I do not see this problem with 5.2.34 on Mac OS X.
[17 Jun 2011 17:44] James Zimmerman II
Changing to reflect my very specific experience criteria: version 5.2.31 on Ubuntu 11.04 Linux OS.
[17 Jun 2011 17:44] James Zimmerman II
I am using Ubuntu 11.04 Linux and MySQL Workbench 5.2.31 downloaded directly from mysql.com.
[17 Jun 2011 18:16] MySQL Verification Team
Try 5.2.34 available for download:


Select Platform: Ubuntu Linux.
[17 Jun 2011 18:53] James Zimmerman II
Upgraded to 5.2.34, problem persists.  Added partitioning to table notes, partition by HASH on column "created" with partition count 3.  Saved.  Disabled partitioning.  Saved. "Database" -> "Synchronize Model" still tries to add my partitioning settings even though I disabled the feature now.
[17 Jun 2011 19:56] Armando Lopez Valencia
Thanks a lot for your report James.
Verified on WB 5.2.34 with windows 7 x64
[7 Feb 2012 14:45] Ian Wood
Is there any update on this bug?

I am suffering same issue in 5.2.37 win7 64bit.

Minor addition is the alter script omits a space before next command: