Bug #61480 When object browser is focused, scrolling over results also scrolls browser
Submitted: 10 Jun 2011 15:07 Modified: 27 Mar 2012 1:58
Reporter: Alex Whitman Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.34 OS:Windows (Windows 7 Enterprise)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: scroll

[10 Jun 2011 15:07] Alex Whitman
When the object browser is focused with enough databases/expanded databases to require a vertical scrollbar and with enough rows in a query result panel to have a vertical scrollbar, scrolling with the mouse wheel while the mouse cursor is over the results panel causes both the results and the object browser to scroll.

How to repeat:
1. Have enough databases or expand databases in the object explorer so that a vertical scroll bar is visible.
2. Select the contents of a table with enough rows to need a vertical scroll bar in the query results panel.
3. Click on an entry in the object browser so that it is focused, any entry will do.
4. Move the mouse cursor over the query results panel.
5. Scroll up and down using the mouse wheel.
6. Both the query results panel and the object browser scroll.

Suggested fix:
Only scroll one area.  It could be the currently focused area or the area that the mouse cursor is currently over.
[10 Jun 2011 15:10] Alex Whitman
A quick addition to this.  It's not just the results panel that is affected.  When the object browser is focused, scrolling using the mouse wheel while the mouse cursor is over any area (sql editor, results panel, object information) will result in both areas scrolling.
[13 Jun 2011 14:06] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[27 Mar 2012 1:58] Philip Olson
Fixed as of 5.2.39, and here's the changelog entry:

Scrolling the mouse wheel now only scrolls the focused window.