Bug #6143 Another Retrieve Data with DBNull Bug
Submitted: 18 Oct 2004 16:36 Modified: 19 Oct 2004 14:18
Reporter: John Tron Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:Connector / NET Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version: OS:Windows (Windows XP)
Assigned to: Assigned Account CPU Architecture:Any

[18 Oct 2004 16:36] John Tron
  MyConnector 1.0beta has a bug retrieving data from MySql 4.x when
my table is set as follow:

ID    Name    Sex   Age
1      John     Male   16
2      Mary    DBNull  DBNull
3      Cindy    Female 18
4   .  . . .

All the rows bellow Mary would have Sex and Age as [DBNull] in the .NET DataSet.  I have used the same table and changed my drivers to ByteFX and MySQLDriverCS and these drivers doesn't have this problem so I would conclude it only affects MyConnector .NET.

How to repeat:
As stated above
[18 Oct 2004 16:57] John Tron
Above stated example is a short form of my table.  But my table mainly consists datatypes of INT(11), VARCHAR(255), TINYINT(1).  Maybe it is a problem with handing some of the datatypes.

[19 Oct 2004 13:33] Yefka Sayena
I have exactly the same problem.
I had no pb with ByteFX and now all the values below a "DBnull" are returned as DBnull for a given field...
[19 Oct 2004 14:18] Reggie Burnett
This bug has been reported and fixed earlier.