Bug #61411 VIEW Diagram as a table
Submitted: 5 Jun 2011 7:42 Modified: 6 Jun 2011 19:47
Reporter: Petronel Laviniu Malutan Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: columns, details, diagram, table, view as table

[5 Jun 2011 7:42] Petronel Laviniu Malutan

I feel as usefull the possibility to see the diagram as tables with something like 5-10 inserts, at top seeing tha column name and bellow the inserts and connected columns from table to table as in a normal diagram !

Could be this possible ?

With kind regards

How to repeat:

I feel as usefull the possibility to see the diagram as tables with something like 5-10 inserts, at top seeing tha column name and bellow the inserts and connected columns from table to table as in a normal diagram !

Could be this possible ?

With kind regards

Suggested fix:

I feel as usefull the possibility to see the diagram as tables with something like 5-10 inserts, at top seeing tha column name and bellow the inserts and connected columns from table to table as in a normal diagram !

Could be this possible ?

With kind regards
[6 Jun 2011 19:50] Alfredo Kojima
Could you upload a mockup to better illustrate your suggestion?
[6 Jun 2011 20:08] Petronel Laviniu Malutan
Is like a diagram but at top the columns and bellow some rows with data from inserts TAB

Attachment: mockup.jpg (image/pjpeg, text), 17.50 KiB.