Bug #61354 Switch "enable data changes commit wizard" not working on Mac OS X
Submitted: 30 May 2011 12:49 Modified: 16 Feb 2012 16:52
Reporter: H. M. Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.31, 5.2.34, 5.2.37 OS:MacOS (10.6.7, 10.6.8)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: commit wizard => Muda

[30 May 2011 12:49] H. M.
The checkbox unter "Preferences" / "SQL-Editor" named "Enable data changes commit wizard" is not working in this environment. This option isn't working. One can enable or disable it - the wizard is still there everytime a change is comitted. This eats up the users valuable time unneccessarily.

How to repeat:
Simply disable the checkbox under "Preferences" / "SQL-Editor" named "Enable data changes commit wizard" and make some changes to a table (e.g. add a comment) - the wizard still gets displayed.

Suggested fix:
None found yet.
[30 May 2011 13:09] Valeriy Kravchuk
Please, check if the same problem still happens with a newer version, 5.2.34.
[30 May 2011 13:33] H. M.
I just cross-checked this with version 5.2.34 with the same result. The error is still there.
[27 Jan 2012 8:16] H. M.
Sorry, but 5.2.37 does unfortunately not change this behavior.
Is it perhaps necessary to recreate the config file(s)?
[28 Jan 2012 15:52] Valeriy Kravchuk
Hm, I can not repeat this with 5.2.37 on Mac OS X 10.5.6.
[16 Feb 2012 15:42] Alfredo Kojima
We are unable to repeat this bug since 5.2.35.
[16 Feb 2012 16:52] H. M.
Of course - after some closing and opening of the 5.2.37 app, interface and behaviour didn't change. After a reboot of the Mac, the interface turned into a new one.
Now this bug has _gone_.
Thank you all.
[14 Mar 2012 19:23] Eu D
I just updated to version 5.2.38 on WinXP (do not remember previous version), and i have the same bug. Didnt try rebooting yet.
[14 Mar 2012 19:29] Eu D
To clarify, i am accessing MySQL db that is hosted on a Linux server wit Workbench 5.2.38 rev8753 installed on a different WinXP machine. Edit -> Preferences -> SQL Editor -> uncheck "Enable data Changes Commit Wizard" -> execute query -> you are still able to make changes to fields and apply them.
[14 Mar 2012 19:33] Eu D
Nvm, i misunderstood what "commit wizard" was - i thought it was the edit/insert/delete rows buttons at the top of the results window. I wish those could be disabled...