Bug #61256 Menu incomplete
Submitted: 22 May 2011 8:13 Modified: 31 Aug 2011 6:04
Reporter: aaa bbb Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.33 OS:Linux (Ubuntu 11.04 Unity)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: 11.04, display, issue, menu, missing, ubuntu

[22 May 2011 8:13] aaa bbb
On Ubuntu 11.04 the latest WB does not show a complete main menu. This means we do not see the import/export menu anymore, DB features (sync with db etc.).

We tried to start WB also from commandline to see if there is any error.
more details attached.

How to repeat:
Install Ubuntu 11.04
install MQSQL WB deb (5.2.33 32 bit)
start WB
open model and try to export model als SQL (shortcuts STRG_SHIFT_G or STRG_G work, just menu isnt there)
[22 May 2011 8:14] aaa bbb
wb log

Attachment: wb.log (text/x-log), 8.43 KiB.

[23 May 2011 7:29] Valeriy Kravchuk
I do not see this on Ubuntu 10.04.
[23 May 2011 8:01] aaa bbb
Hmm thats possible. Because its a issue how WB handles ubuntu 11.04 unity menus..
For this you must use unity (the default display handler) and not gnome.

actually there is a workaround with changing the application startup and removing some parameter but its not a solution, so it needs to be fixed in the package.

best regards

PS. it doesnt affect 10.04 (which uses a different display handler)
[23 May 2011 13:04] Alfredo Kojima
This is a Unity specific problem.
[31 Aug 2011 6:04] Philip Olson
This is fixed as of 5.2.34:

+        On Ubuntu Linux 11.04+, part of the main &workbench; menu would
+        be hidden when utilizing the Ubuntu Unity display handler.
+        Therefore, the Unity style menus have been disabled.