Bug #61195 Non heart chart MEM advisors disabled or unscheduled should be no longer be run
Submitted: 17 May 2011 8:29 Modified: 9 Jan 2015 10:22
Reporter: Arnaud Adant Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Advisors/Rules Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:2.3.3 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: advisor, disale, mem, monitor, rule, unschedule

[17 May 2011 8:29] Arnaud Adant
The manual says that MEM advisors will be "no longer" run if disabled or
unscheduled except for the heart chart ones.


These advisors should never be run (even in discovery mode).

How to repeat:
- Disable or unschedule a non heart chart advisor.
- Activate the general query log on the target test server.
- see that the query behind the advisor is still run (it is in the general query log)

Suggested fix:
Suggested Fix:
Use custom.xml.

see :


This will disable 2 advisors (auto_increment_limit and

<query><![CDATA[select 1]></query>

[17 May 2011 8:30] Arnaud Adant
see documentation bug : http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=61194

Bug #61194  	Non heart chart MEM advisors disabled or unscheduled are still run on startup