Bug #61130 Key_blocks_not_flushed values is not correct!
Submitted: 11 May 2011 4:32 Modified: 17 Jan 2012 19:58
Reporter: kelvin chou Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Options Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.77, 5.0.95, 5.1.62, 5.5.21, 5.6.5 OS:Linux (CenOS 5.5)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[11 May 2011 4:32] kelvin chou
I want to test what's defferent if I use parameter "delay_key_write = ALL". When I insert first time,  and show status like 'key%';
| Variable_name          | Value |
| Key_blocks_not_flushed | 4     | 
| Key_blocks_unused      | 14492 |  
| Key_blocks_used        | 8     | 
| Key_read_requests      | 8     | 
| Key_reads              | 4     | 
| Key_write_requests     | 8     | 
| Key_writes             | 0     | 
and 2nd and 3rd and 4rd times insert,the resoult of show status like 'key%' is blow
| Variable_name          | Value |
| Key_blocks_not_flushed | 5     | <== no changed
| Key_blocks_unused      | 14491 | <== no changed
| Key_blocks_used        | 8     | <== no changed
| Key_read_requests      | 14    | 
| Key_reads              | 5     | 
| Key_write_requests     | 15    | 
| Key_writes             | 0     | 

Is this nomal??  I think the values should be changed!  how could I know is it work or not ?

How to repeat:
CREATE TABLE `test2` (
  `id` int(11) default NULL,
  `name` varchar(50) default NULL

 insert into test2 values ('2343','test');
 insert into test2 values ('23423','test');
 insert into test2 values ('2330','test3');
 insert into test2 values ('2334','test8');

Suggested fix:
Should the values be changed when I proform the statment
[11 May 2011 5:38] kelvin chou
After first time,I proform the insert statment the values of Key_blocks_not_flushed,Key_blocks_unused,Key_blocks_used don't change at all.
[11 May 2011 15:57] MySQL Verification Team
kelvin, try adding some indexes to your table, then retest.  preferably with a few hundred records.
[12 May 2011 2:06] kelvin chou
Thanks for your response.
follow you suggestion,
Then I insert 100 records(pls see ex1) and the I perform flush status and tables
the value of Key_blocks_not_flushed becomes 4294967290 ??

| test2 | CREATE TABLE `test2` (
  `id` int(11) default NULL,
  `name` varchar(50) default NULL,
  KEY `id_idx` (`id`),
  KEY `name_idx` (`name`)

mysql> show status like 'key%';
| Variable_name          | Value |
| Key_blocks_not_flushed | 6     | 
| Key_blocks_unused      | 14491 | 
| Key_blocks_used        | 6     | 
| Key_read_requests      | 255   | 
| Key_reads              | 6     | 
| Key_write_requests     | 212   | 
| Key_writes             | 0     | 
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> flush status;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show status like 'key%';
| Variable_name          | Value |
| Key_blocks_not_flushed | 0     | 
| Key_blocks_unused      | 14491 | 
| Key_blocks_used        | 6     | 
| Key_read_requests      | 0     | 
| Key_reads              | 0     | 
| Key_write_requests     | 0     | 
| Key_writes             | 0     | 
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> flush tables;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show status like 'key%';
| Variable_name          | Value      |
| Key_blocks_not_flushed | 4294967290 |   <== the value is not correct!!
| Key_blocks_unused      | 14497      | 
| Key_blocks_used        | 6          | 
| Key_read_requests      | 0          | 
| Key_reads              | 0          | 
| Key_write_requests     | 0          | 
| Key_writes             | 6          | 
7 rows in set (0.01 sec)
[12 May 2011 5:30] MySQL Verification Team
Strange... I got a correct result on 5.0.77 and 5.5.12 using this testcase:

flush tables;
set global delay_key_write=all;
drop table if exists `test2`;
create table `test2` (`id` int(11) default null,
`name` varchar(50) default null,key `id_idx` (`id`),
key `name_idx` (`name`)) engine=myisam default charset=latin1 delay_key_write=1;
flush status;
show status like '%key_block%';
insert into test2 values (50,100),(100,200),(200,400);
insert into test2 select rand()*100000,rand()*100000 from test2 a,test2 b,test2 c,test2 d,test2 e,test2 f,test2 g,test2 h;
show status like '%key_block%';

What is your result from the above?
[13 May 2011 3:08] kelvin chou
This is my test resoult:
I use two Terminal one is for insert used,the other one is show status.

insert into test2 values (50,100),(100,200),(200,400);
| Variable_name          | Value |
| Key_blocks_not_flushed | 2     | 
| Key_blocks_unused      | 14494 | 
| Key_blocks_used        | 19    | 
| Key_read_requests      | 47    | 
| Key_reads              | 22    | 
| Key_write_requests     | 12    | 
| Key_writes             | 6     | 
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
and then 
mysql> flush status;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> show status like 'key%';
| Variable_name          | Value |
| Key_blocks_not_flushed | 0     |   <== The value become zero ?? I just flush 
                                     the status not flush tables
| Key_blocks_unused      | 14494 | 
| Key_blocks_used        | 19    | 
| Key_read_requests      | 0     | 
| Key_reads              | 0     | 
| Key_write_requests     | 0     | 
| Key_writes             | 0     |   <== no data insert into Disk
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

then I perform flush tables
mysql> flush tables;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show status like 'key%';
| Variable_name          | Value      |
| Key_blocks_not_flushed | 4294967294 |  <== It happened again!!
| Key_blocks_unused      | 14497      | 
| Key_blocks_used        | 19         | 
| Key_read_requests      | 0          | 
| Key_reads              | 0          | 
| Key_write_requests     | 0          | 
| Key_writes             | 2          | 
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select version();
| version()  |
| 5.0.77-log | 
[13 May 2011 8:53] MySQL Verification Team
the key_blocks_not_flush is going negative...  same thing was reported in bug #17328
[16 May 2011 2:29] kelvin chou
Thanks for your reply.
Does this bug fix in version 5.0.91-community-log?
Since my production(5.0.91-community-log) Key_blocks_unused=0 and Key_blocks_not_flushed=0,the values have no changed anymore.
Does this mean the funcation "delay_key_write" not work anymore? 
or the status of Key_blocks_not_flushed=0 and Key_blocks_unused=0  is a bug ?
Because the document indacate the key_buffer using the LRU strategy,so that the Key_blocks can be reused. If the key_block is considered "dirty" ,the value of Key_blocks_not_flushed will changed ??
[17 Jan 2012 19:58] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

Verified as described.

Test case for MTR:

set global delay_key_write=all;

create table `test2` (`id` int(11) default null,
`name` varchar(50) default null,key `id_idx` (`id`),
key `name_idx` (`name`)) engine=myisam default charset=latin1 delay_key_write=1;

insert into test2 values ('2343','test');
insert into test2 values ('23423','test');
insert into test2 values ('2330','test3');
insert into test2 values ('2334','test8');

connect (addconroot, localhost, root,,);
connection addconroot;

show status like 'key%';

connection default;
insert into test2 values (50,100),(100,200),(200,400);
insert into test2 select rand()*100000,rand()*100000 from test2 a,test2 b,test2 c,test2
d,test2 e,test2 f,test2 g,test2 h;

connection addconroot;

show status like 'key%';
flush status;
show status like 'key%';
flush tables;
show status like 'key%';
[18 Jan 2012 16:56] Sveta Smirnova
Bug #17328 was marked as duplicate of this one.