Bug #61124 Double clicking "Columns" expander arrow causes arrow to disappear
Submitted: 11 May 2011 1:43 Modified: 31 Jan 2012 2:34
Reporter: Jeremy Bell Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.34 OS:Windows (7 64 bit)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[11 May 2011 1:43] Jeremy Bell
When we double click the arrow to expand a table in the object browser, to see it's columns, the arrow disappears, and the table cannot be expanded.

How to repeat:
1. Load an SQL editor with at least one table (the connection may need to be remote to ensure there is a bit of a wait between the first click on the expander arrow, and when the columns load up normally).
2. Expand the schema, and the "Tables" list.
3. Double click on the expander arrow beside one of the tables so that it doesn't have time to load the columns list

The expander arrow should now be gone, and the columns will never load.

Suggested fix:
Debug this to find out what's happening on the second click before the columns are loaded and fix it. Sorry I couldn't be more specific on what to fix.
[11 May 2011 3:02] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Are you able to provide a screen-shot?. Thanks in advance.
[11 May 2011 3:04] Jeremy Bell
Object browser after double clicking arrow beside first table

Attachment: Capture.PNG (image/png, text), 5.40 KiB.

[7 Jun 2011 0:27] MySQL Verification Team
Could you please try version 5.2.34. Thanks.
[19 Jun 2011 21:39] Jeremy Bell
No change in 34
[27 Jun 2011 20:28] MySQL Verification Team
I couldn't repeat on Vista 64-bit.
[28 Jun 2011 0:15] Jeremy Bell
It definitely still happens for me in 34, on a fresh copy of Windows 7 32-bit, fresh install of 5.2.34 this time. Could you please confirm

1. that you are accessing MySQL on a remote server (preferably in a whole other country - we are in NZ, and servers are in the EC2 cloud)
2. that you're double clicking the arrow beside a table, not a schema, and not the "Tables" drop down

The number of tables doesn't matter. I'm able to easily replicate this in a test schema with one table.
[8 Jul 2011 17:32] Armando Lopez Valencia

Attachment: Arrow.JPG (image/jpeg, text), 123.14 KiB.

[8 Jul 2011 17:33] Armando Lopez Valencia
Thanks a lot for your report Jeremy.
[31 Jan 2012 2:34] Philip Olson
This was fixed in 5.2.36:

While double clicking an arrow to expand a table from within the
object browser, to see its columns, the arrow disappeared and
the table could not be expanded.