Bug #61051 index optimization
Submitted: 4 May 2011 7:10 Modified: 29 Jan 2013 9:31
Reporter: Roberto Spadim (Basic Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Optimizer Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: qc

[4 May 2011 7:10] Roberto Spadim
hi guys, i'm continuing Bug #61049

i don't know why, but should query 1 be executed faster than query 2
in some big queries with many tables, it's a problem since optimizer preffer smaller index, instead bigger index
smaller = without information about others fields in query
bigger = with all fields used in query (this don't need to search index and data files)

i'm using myisam

How to repeat:
CREATE TABLE `estoque_itens` (
  `plano_conta_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `plano_conta_id_red` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `codigo_busca` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  PRIMARY KEY (`plano_conta_id`,`plano_conta_id_red`) USING BTREE,
  UNIQUE KEY `codigo_busca` (`plano_conta_id`,`codigo_busca`),
  UNIQUE KEY `cb` (`codigo_busca`,`plano_conta_id`,`plano_conta_id_red`)
) engine=myisam

populate it

query 1:
select codigo_busca,plano_conta_id_red
from estoque_itens force key (cb)
where plano_conta_id=50 and codigo_busca='91526'

query 2:
select codigo_busca,plano_conta_id_red
from estoque_itens
where plano_conta_id=50 and codigo_busca='91526'

query 3:
select codigo_busca,plano_conta_id_red
from estoque_itens
where plano_conta_id=50 and codigo_busca='91526' and plano_conta_id_red=50

explain 1) type: ref, extra: using where, using index, index(cb)
explain 2) type: const, extra:, index(codigo_busca)
explain 3) type: const, extra:, index(PRIMARY KEY)

Suggested fix:
maybe a optimizer option? preffer 'big' index, instead 'smaller' index, since estimated rows have same value

since cb index can allow more rows than codigo_busca index, the 'where' part of extra is ok
but check query 3... why preffer PRIMARY KEY, if it don't have information about plano_conta_id_red? and cb index have this information!?
[10 May 2011 8:51] Valeriy Kravchuk
Can you, please, execute the following sequence of statements:

show status like 'Handler_read%';
<your query 1>;
show status like 'Handler_read%';
<your query 2>;
show status like 'Handler_read%';
<your query 3>
show status like 'Handler_read%';

on your real data. I need to know the results of each show status above, and execution time for each of the queries. Then we shell see when more work is done by the server.
[10 May 2011 17:23] Roberto Spadim
1)show status like 'Handler_read%';

2)select codigo_busca,plano_conta_id_red from estoque_itens force key (cb) where plano_conta_id=50 and codigo_busca='91526'

3)show status like 'Handler_read%';

4)select codigo_busca,plano_conta_id_red from estoque_itens where plano_conta_id=50 and codigo_busca='91526'

5)show status like 'Handler_read%';

6)select codigo_busca,plano_conta_id_red from estoque_itens where plano_conta_id=50 and codigo_busca='91526' and plano_conta_id_red=50

7)show status like 'Handler_read%';
[10 May 2011 17:24] Roberto Spadim
explain results:
1) explain select codigo_busca,plano_conta_id_red from estoque_itens force key (cb) where plano_conta_id=50 and codigo_busca='91526'

"1","SIMPLE","estoque_itens","ref","cb","cb","265","const,const","1","Using where; Using index"

2) explain select codigo_busca,plano_conta_id_red from estoque_itens where plano_conta_id=50 and codigo_busca='91526'


3) explain select codigo_busca,plano_conta_id_red from estoque_itens where plano_conta_id=50 and codigo_busca='91526' and plano_conta_id_red=50

[10 May 2011 17:27] Roberto Spadim
hum... i'm using mariadb 5.2.5
i will change table to myisam and test again and post handlers results... just some minutes
[10 May 2011 18:57] Roberto Spadim
now with myisam:

1) show status like 'Handler_read%';

2)select codigo_busca,plano_conta_id_red from estoque_itens force key (cb) where plano_conta_id=50 and codigo_busca='91526'

3) show status like 'Handler_read%';

4)select codigo_busca,plano_conta_id_red from estoque_itens where plano_conta_id=50 and codigo_busca='91526'

5) show status like 'Handler_read%';

6)select codigo_busca,plano_conta_id_red from estoque_itens where plano_conta_id=50 and codigo_busca='91526' and plano_conta_id_red=50

7) show status like 'Handler_read%';
[10 May 2011 18:58] Roberto Spadim
i think it's related to mariadb - aria engine, i'm wrong? maybe optimizer??
[29 Jan 2013 9:31] Jørgen Løland

There seems to be some minor issues with the indexes picked by the optimizer here. Thank you for the bug report.