Bug #60802 typo (numeric) in doc Cyrillic case-sensitivity
Submitted: 8 Apr 2011 9:02 Modified: 11 Apr 2011 15:03
Reporter: E Van den Boogaard Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.5 OS:Any
Assigned to: Paul DuBois CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: cyrillic, Unicode

[8 Apr 2011 9:02] E Van den Boogaard
See documentation: "8.2.3. Mapping of Identifiers to File Names" (version 5.5, also 5.1). The second bullet has a table which lists uppercase/lowercase mapping for non-Latin1 characters. The third row says:

Code range Pattern            Number   Used Unused  Blocks
0400..052F [@][g..z][0..6] 20*7= 140  140   137  Cyrillic

I _expect_ the values for Used+Unused to add up to Number. E.g. "140=137+3". I cannot check whether the split 137+3 is the correct one.

In the table they _do not_ add up: 140=140+137 (incorrect)

How to repeat:
See documentation as is. No code involved.

Suggested fix:
Check true number of mapped Cyrillic characters, then adjust calculation.
[8 Apr 2011 11:01] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for the bug report.
[10 Apr 2011 18:57] E Van den Boogaard
My own typo. Text "mapping for non-Latin1
characters" should read "mapping for non-(a..zA..Z)
characters". Point of the bug report remains unchanged. 

Clarification: (a..zA..Z) is not touched by this bullet's topic & table. "Latin1", as an extension of that basic Latin alphabet, actually _is_ touched. So, if you read "non-(a..zA..Z)" the bug report makes more sense.
[11 Apr 2011 14:06] Paul DuBois
Bar says:

the correct line should be: 0400..052F [@][g..z][0..6] 20*7= 140  137   3  Cyrillic
[11 Apr 2011 15:03] Paul DuBois
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been addressed in the documentation. The updated documentation will appear on our website shortly, and will be included in the next release of the relevant products.