Bug #60772 "Copy Insert to Clipboard" doesn`t copy SQL
Submitted: 6 Apr 2011 9:34 Modified: 17 May 2011 0:43
Reporter: Artur Stępień Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.2.33 EE OS:Windows ( Windows 7 Ultimate x64)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: clipboard, copy, insert

[6 Apr 2011 9:34] Artur Stępień
"Copy Insert to Clipboard" doesn`t copy table insert query.

How to repeat:
- Open attached model
- Try to copy insert query for table "jos_teatry_spektakle" using "Copy Insert to Clipboard" from table`s context menu
[6 Apr 2011 9:35] Artur Stępień
Model file.

Attachment: copy_insert_error.mwb (application/x-zip-compressed, text), 9.20 KiB.

[16 May 2011 21:59] Alfredo Kojima

I don't see any insert data in the table you mention in the model.
[16 May 2011 22:49] Artur Stępień
Screenshot with that option in context menu

Attachment: Clipboard01.gif (image/gif, text), 163.54 KiB.

[16 May 2011 23:38] Alfredo Kojima
Yes, I know what option you mean, but if you double click the table editor and go to Inserts section,
it's empty. The Copy Inserts option is meant to put the contents of that data to the Clipboard.
If that's not what you wanted/expected, can you elaborate on what you thought it did?
[16 May 2011 23:53] Artur Stępień
My first thought was this option copies SAMPLE INSERT QUERY. As I often work on large tables writing insert queries from scratch can be time-consumptive (with 30 cols and mixed data types there is big chance I will make a mistake/s).

If there is no chance this feature will be implemented the best solution is to add warning for those who copy queries without actual data in INSERTS field.
[17 May 2011 0:43] Alfredo Kojima
Good point, I'll add a warning for such case.

As for the feature you want, I think someone else has already requested it, so I'll mark it as a duplicate
of bug #54887