Bug #60694 too many connections and connection pool reached maximum limit issue.
Submitted: 30 Mar 2011 5:12 Modified: 30 Mar 2011 9:39
Reporter: veerakumar nunna Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / NET Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:6.2.3 OS:Windows
Assigned to: Bogdan Degtyariov CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: connection threads are not killed connection pooling issue

[30 Mar 2011 5:12] veerakumar nunna
I am using microsoft enterprise libarary to connect to mysql using mysql .net connector (latest version 6.2.3)

But i am facing a problem of too many connections and connection pool reached maximum limit issue.

As connection is disposed by enterprise library iteself so i dont close the connection anywhere.

So after two or three hours i found i have 100 mysql connections in sleep mode which are doing nothing and are not being reused from the code .

So i want to ask is there any issue with my code or is there any issue with mysql connector

please suggest me a solution so that i can rectify this issue as it is causing a lot of trouble to me.

How to repeat:
I am using microsoft enterprise libarary to connect to mysql using mysql .net connector (latest version 6.2.3)

But i am facing a problem of too many connections and connection pool reached maximum limit issue.

As connection is disposed by enterprise library iteself so i dont close the connection anywhere.

So after two or three hours i found i have 100 mysql connections in sleep mode which are doing nothing and are not being reused from the code .

So i want to ask is there any issue with my code or is there any issue with mysql connector

please suggest me a solution so that i can rectify this issue as it is causing a lot of trouble to me.
[30 Mar 2011 9:39] Bogdan Degtyariov
Hi Veerakumar,

Thank you for reporting the problem in MySQL Connector/NET driver.
For your information: 6.2.3 is not the latest version of this software product. In fact, it is quite old. Thus, I would recommend you upgrading it to the current General Available release 6.3.6.

We are aware of many connection pooling problems with versions 6.2.3 and older. All known problems have been addressed. I am closing this bug report, but if you encounter the same issue with the new driver, please feel free to reopen it.