Bug #606 Problems with Left Joins 3.23.56 -> 4.0.13
Submitted: 6 Jun 2003 6:19 Modified: 6 Jul 2003 7:36
Reporter: Paul Menheere Email Updates:
Status: No Feedback Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:4.0.13-Max OS:Linux (Linux)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[6 Jun 2003 6:19] Paul Menheere
I have 3 Tables.
one with Customer information, one with invoices and one with payments over the invoices.

To calculate the invoices which haven't been paid in full I have a query with two left joins.

select rel.RNUMMER, rel.RNAAM, deb.FACTUUR, deb.DATUM, deb.BRUTO, deb.BRUTO +  sum(bet.BEDRAG) AS BETAALD, deb.BRUTO - sum(bet.BEDRAG) AS BEDRAG, TO_DAYS("2003-6-6") - ( TO_DAYS(deb.DATUM) + deb.TERMIJN) AS TELAAT
from relatie rel
left join deb_rek deb on ( rel.RNUMMER = deb.NUMMER )
left join betalingen bet on ( deb.FACTUUR = bet.TRANSACTIE AND bet.DATUM <= "2003-6-6")
WHERE deb.DATUM <= "2003-6-6"

It now returns only the records which allready have a payment, but in the earlier versions ( don't know if it is in the 4.0 series or only in release 13 )

According to the left join statement should a record also be printed if there isn't a matching record in the right table.

How to repeat:
install the different servers and see

can provide data if requested.
[6 Jun 2003 7:02] Indrek Siitan
Yes, it would be great if you could provide the data. You can upload it to ftp://support.mysql.com/
pub/mysql/secret and let us know of the filename.
[6 Jun 2003 7:36] Paul Menheere
filename: paulmenheere.sql on ftp://support.mysql.com/pub/mysql/secret/paulmenheere.sql
[12 Jun 2003 0:34] Paul Menheere
Do I have to do something ?
did you find my file ??
[3 Nov 2004 7:45] Sergei Kulakov
I got a similar bug. Before I report it referring to this one I can say this will work if you change 

left join betalingen bet on 
  ( deb.FACTUUR = bet.TRANSACTIE AND bet.DATUM <="2003-6-6")


left join betalingen bet on 
    ( deb.FACTUUR = If(bet.DATUM <="2003-6-6", bet.TRANSACTIE, Null)
[3 Nov 2004 7:48] Sergei Kulakov
Sorry, I didn't notice the


which may be the reason here
[14 Feb 2005 22:54] Bugs System
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