Bug #60367 WB browse local machine instead server when connected via ssh to localhost
Submitted: 7 Mar 2011 10:53 Modified: 7 Jun 2011 15:27
Reporter: Artur Stępień Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Administration Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.31 CE OS:Windows (Windows 7 x64)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: dialog, localhost, log, ssh

[7 Mar 2011 10:53] Artur Stępień
When you try to browse for a file in Admin (for ex. in "Log files/slow_query_log_file" ) WB browse local machine instead of remote server. It happens when WB is connected to remote server using SSH and localhost connection.

How to repeat:
- Add new server instance:
  * Set Connection Method to "Standard TCP/IP over SSH"
  * Set SSH Hostname to "example.com"
  * Set SSH username to "root"
  * Set MySQL Hostname to "localhost"
  * Set MySQL Server Port to "3306"
  * Set Username to "root"
- Connect to server via your instance in "Server Administration"
- Go to tab "Configuration"
- Click on any browse button (for ex. "basedir" in "General")

Suggested fix:
Make WB bahavior like on connection via remote host when SSH host is different from "localhost"
[7 Mar 2011 12:43] Valeriy Kravchuk
So, you want files/directories from SSH host to be shown as basedir and other my.cnf/my.ini values? Why do you need that? 

MySQL server at localhost can only access files that are available at locahost.
[7 Mar 2011 13:34] Artur Stępień
When you add new server instance with SSH access in "Server Administration" it is possible to selected my.cnf file via dialog that shows files/directories from server (i assume it use console commands to get file/dir list). Instance is configurated to connect to MySQL server via SSH, then localhost connection (localhost relative to server, not my computer). So connection looks like this: Workbench->SSH->Localhost-MySQLServer (not Workbench->MySQL). MySQL root has no privileges to remote login. Thats why i use localhost via SSH.

After connecting to Server Instance i go to "Configuration" tab and want to change some settings (for example "Log" section, setting:log-error), Workbench doesn`t show files from server (as it was doing in Instance Configuration). Instead of it shows files from my personal computer.

I'am not sure is it error, or missing functionality.
[7 Jun 2011 15:27] Armando Lopez Valencia
Hello Artur.
Currently it is not possible for WB to browse on a remote machine thru a SSh connection. As a work around if you specify the "System Type" and "Installation type" of the server on Manage Server Instances -> System Profile WB will use the default path for config files.
In the case that those files are not in the default location you can always specify the correct path.
Thanks a lot for your report.