Bug #60336 MySQL Workbench 5.2 needs python-sqlite2, but it's not available on RHEL6
Submitted: 4 Mar 2011 14:57 Modified: 22 Nov 2011 6:33
Reporter: Daniël van Eeden Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.31 OS:Linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: rhel

[4 Mar 2011 14:57] Daniël van Eeden
1. Start WB5.2
2. Click on MySQL Doc Library
3. An Error pops up with the following text:
Cannot Open Documentation Library
pysqlite2 is not installed, please install python-sqlite2 or pysqlite2 to be able to use this feature.

There is a python-sqlite package for RHEL5, but not for RHEL6. There is also no python-sqlite2 package available.

How to repeat:
See Description

Suggested fix:
No suggested fix
[23 Mar 2011 0:40] Jeff Ford
Experiencing similar problem?  I am trying to install the deb file and get the error:

Dependency is not satisfiable: python-pysqlite2 

Using 10.10, distribution updated and everything.
[23 Mar 2011 0:41] Jeff Ford
Sorry, mine is Ubuntu not RHEL, but the issue is the same, no?
[24 May 2011 18:08] Alfredo Kojima
Ubuntu has that package, you just need to enable the right repository
[24 May 2011 19:28] Alfredo Kojima
As a workaround for Linux users that don't have that package, run the following command from a terminal:
sudo easy_install pysqlite
[22 Nov 2011 6:33] Philip Olson
Fixed as of 5.2.36:
+        On Linux, viewing the embedded documentation required the
+        python-sqlite2 package.