Bug #60224 Odbc 5.1.8 write - conflict in FOrms Acces
Submitted: 23 Feb 2011 17:12 Modified: 29 May 2013 11:53
Reporter: Miresan Rares-Teodor Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / ODBC Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.1.8 OS:Any
Assigned to: Bogdan Degtyariov CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: regression

[23 Feb 2011 17:12] Miresan Rares-Teodor
When i use acces linked tables with this connector in my forms i receive the message write conflict, very strange i have no problems with 3.51.28, i used some tools for MySQl to see if there are others users connected at my database, only my user is present..., very stange too if i use Sql sYNTAX IN MY CODE LIKE DELETE, UPDATE, ETC, NO PROBLEM....
I want to use 5.1.8 , but how in this case?

How to repeat:
Odbc 5.1.8 write - conflict in FOrms Acces
[23 Feb 2011 18:33] Valeriy Kravchuk
I wonder is it the same problem as Bug #59968. Please, check.
[23 Feb 2011 20:14] Miresan Rares-Teodor
It is not the same problem, my table is a table with Primary Key, one field type timestamp, and also the other default values are not NULL, i wanted only to do updates im my big table, for my application the table is not type NF..., and other settings for my odbc connections are corect, I made a simple test on one machine i was able to do my updates, on the other machine with the same user the problem write conflict at the same ID ALWAYS (but way?) has occured, very strange
[2 Mar 2011 9:08] Miresan Rares-Teodor
This is new to me
3.51.27 is working and 3.51.28 and above NO , this is very important for me
[2 Mar 2011 9:19] Miresan Rares-Teodor
Also this problem is present in Linked tables by ODBC
[3 Mar 2011 8:24] Bogdan Degtyariov
Hi Miresan,

Such error messages can come because thousands different reasons.
That is why we need the ODBC trace from you in order to diagnose the problem.
You have to enable ODBC tracing from Windows ODBC Administrator, then start MS Access and repeat all steps to get the error.

Please attach the trace to this bug report (perhaps zipping it would be a good idea).
[16 Mar 2011 4:07] Daron Scarborough
I'm having major problems with this same issue. Using ODBC 5.1.8 Connector to connect via linked tables in Access 2010 to MySQL server on a Ubuntu machine. I open a linked table and edit a row and it works fine. I try to re-edit the same row and get the error "The data has been changed...". I click okay and then am able to edit the row. No one else is editing that record. 

If the table has a timestamp field in it, I get the error. If the table doesn't have a timestamp field in it, I don't get the error. Both tables have a primary key. My odbc connection has the flag for matching rows enabled. 

Prior to upgrading to Office 2010 and ODBC 5.1.8 this never was a problem. After the upgrade, it's now a huge issue. 

I noticed that when doing an SQL trace the update statement where clause references all the fields old values instead of just referencing the key field values. I'm thinking this may be part of the problem.

If anyone can help me find a solution, that would be most appreciated.
[16 Mar 2011 8:40] Miresan Rares-Teodor
to Daron Scarborough, if you use 3.51.27 that will work, why this version is not present on this site anymoore ... you can guess.

If you simply execute SQL statements from acces (insert, delete, update), with the version 5.1.8, there will be no problems.....

why....., evreybody can guess...
[17 Mar 2011 1:06] Daron Scarborough
Thank you for the quick reply Miresan. I took me a little while to find the page for downloading older versions of MySQL apps, but a google search did the trick. I'm going to try a previous version of ODBC Connector 5.1 and the version of 3.51 you mention and see how it goes. I'm betting you just saved me from a lot of grief with this suggestion.
[17 Mar 2011 3:14] Daron Scarborough
Okay...here's what did it.

I uninstalled 5.1.8 and installed 5.1.7. Problem didn't go away.

Uninstalled 5.1.7 and installed 5.1.6. The problem is gone. The error message no longer shows it's ugly head. The MySQL trace shows that the update query references the key field as it should instead of referencing all the fields in the table.

Thanks again Miresan.

Now let's hear from MySQL. Why is this happening in the latest versions of ODBC Connector?
[17 Mar 2011 7:26] Tonci Grgin
Guys, it would be most interesting if anyone can attach both ODBC trace and general query log from MySQL server for c/ODBC 5.1.6 (working) and 5.1.8 (failing). This would speed up things a lot.

In particular, I want to see to what UpdateCriteria is set to as per http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-GB;q190727&GSSNB=1:.
[17 Mar 2011 17:23] Miresan Rares-Teodor
Let say that are some interests in a non-working version for the users that try to use a Forms in access with MySql, in a multiuser mode..., i will be glad to be wrong...., why 3.51.28 is also a problem?
I know something, if there are some big mistakes in a software, this must be retired fast.... if nothing works
I do not know why version 5.1.7 and 5.1.8 is a GA...., this is crazy
There are others methods to input data, but in my situation i wanted a quick front-end, not php or java or C or C++, just to see something in my projects...
[19 Mar 2011 17:52] Daron Scarborough
Here's the trace from 5.1.6 which works great

Attachment: Trace using 5.1.6.zip (application/x-zip-compressed, text), 49.28 KiB.

[19 Mar 2011 17:53] Daron Scarborough
Here's the trace from 5.1.8 which gives the error message

Attachment: Trace using 5.1.8.zip (application/x-zip-compressed, text), 47.35 KiB.

[19 Mar 2011 18:03] Daron Scarborough
Okay...I've posted both trace files. One where 5.1.6 is installed and the update works fine. Then, the only thing I change is uninstall 5.1.6 and install 5.1.8. I do the exact same update, and the error message shows. 

I'm not using ADO here. In each trace file, all I'm doing is:
1) Open the access database.
2) open a linked table in standard datasheet view.
3) update a field in the table
4) move cursor to another record which sends the update query to server
5) go back to that same record I had just updated and try to change a field on that record. Immediately get the error message in 5.1.8. If I hit ok, then I can update the record. In 5.1.6 I have no error message and can update the record.

This error message only happens when the table has a timestamp field in it. If there is no timestamp field, I get no errors in either version of ODBC Connector.

I hope this helps find a solution to this bug.
[19 Mar 2011 18:05] Miresan Rares-Teodor
to Daron Scarborough 

If you cannot find about mysql old versions(conectors or something else), you can find here in this page with bugs, it took me a time to find this...., you don't need use search engine...

Just click on Developer zone, and then downloads, and then achives, and you can get what you need, several times i try search on mysql.com, and no trace of the old versions....
[21 Mar 2011 9:04] Tonci Grgin
Thank you Daron, this should show the problem.
[21 Apr 2011 16:31] Miresan Rares-Teodor
there is one last thing to say


they claim that these versions has full support for connectors

WHY for COMUNITY EDITION the archives are disabled totally, this the ORACLE future for MYSQL
[21 Apr 2011 19:11] Tonci Grgin
Teodor, I am sorry you feel this way but your suspicions are not true. It's just that we're mastering many new procedures related to releases that a mistake here and there is  understandable. Please formulate your complains in separate bug report and we'll fix it.

Thanks for your interest!
[22 Apr 2011 7:48] Miresan Rares-Teodor
1.)My first complaint is about the pages with archives
is not working anymoore...
There are developers that need this archive

WHY in the page http://www.mysql.com/products/ there are not problems with the connectors ? for these products 5.1.8 ODC is used?

2.)There are many developers that use MySQL comunity editions interesed in this, a good connector with Windows ODBC is needed, why 5.1.6 is a good connector and 5.1.8 is not? this is crazy...
[28 Apr 2011 14:07] Miresan Rares-Teodor
It is a good thing today that the archives are enabled
This is a good even some versions are old
Sometime , someone need the old versions....

Where to find these programs elsewere....


I wait to see what future for Mysql reserve ORACLE.....
[22 Jun 2011 12:58] Bogdan Degtyariov
Hi Daron,

I noticed that your ODBC traces are different not only because they use different drivers, but also different versions of MySQL Server:

 - Connector/ODBC 5.1.6 is working with MySQL Server 5.5.9
 - Connector/ODBC 5.1.8 is working with MySQL Server 5.0.75

Can you try doing table updates on the same version of MySQL?
[28 Jun 2011 8:19] Miresan Rares-Teodor
This is funny , to use with 5.5.9 the 5.1.6 connector and with...
5.0.75 the 5.1.8 connector, why the connector 5.1.8 is useless in a normal use of acces, there are others ... to use a intermediate table ...
[15 Nov 2012 11:54] Bogdan Degtyariov
Sorry for the long delay, but we were waiting on the new release of Connector/ODBC 5.2, which should resolve this problem.

Can you check how it is working for you?
[16 Dec 2012 1:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".
[29 May 2013 11:53] Bogdan Degtyariov
I'm closing this bug because I can not continue without feedback from the reporter. If you have new info, please reopen the report.