Bug #60215 | MySQL 5.5.9 Cannot create as a Window Service | ||
Submitted: | 23 Feb 2011 6:14 | Modified: | 20 Aug 2011 21:18 |
Reporter: | Chuong Pham | Email Updates: | |
Status: | No Feedback | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server: Installing | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | MySQL 5.5.9 | OS: | Windows (Windows XP SP3) |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | Any | |
Tags: | failed install windows service |
[23 Feb 2011 6:14]
Chuong Pham
[23 Feb 2011 6:48]
Chuong Pham
Removed the following configs from my.ini file but still can't start MySQL 5.5.9 as a Windows Service: default-storage-engine=InnoDB innodb_use_sys_malloc=on
[23 Feb 2011 15:35]
MySQL Verification Team
The install process was done with Administrator user privileges?.
[24 Feb 2011 4:30]
Chuong Pham
Yes, the install process was performed with Administrator privileges. What are the dependencies for a MySQL server to start as a Windows service?
[28 Feb 2011 20:00]
MySQL Verification Team
Please look for a file which has an extension *.err in the datadir directory and check if exists eventual error message?. Thanks in advance.
[1 Mar 2011 4:21]
Chuong Pham
I looked in the datadir directory but the err file's size is zero byte i.e. no message was logged in the err file. And looking in the Windows Event Viewer app shows nothing about MySQL either. It's very strange! I would have expected MySQL to generate at least some errors in the event that it did not function properly. Why does MySQL only show this error in the DOS prompt "Failed to install the service (Couldn't create service)" but log nothing else elsewhere?
[7 Mar 2011 4:28]
Chuong Pham
Removing "character_set_server=utf8" entry in my.ini seems to work i.e. I'm able to start MySQL as a Windows service now. I don't know why the entry above would cause MySQL not to start. Can someone in MySQL Support please explain?
[20 Jul 2011 21:18]
MySQL Verification Team
I don't have problem with that variable in my.ini file. Anyway please try latest version. Thanks.
[20 Aug 2011 23:00]
Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the information that was originally requested, please do so and change the status of the bug back to "Open".