Bug #59323 Interruping query exeuction shows "Error Code: 1053Server shutdown in progress"
Submitted: 6 Jan 2011 9:31 Modified: 17 Jun 2011 19:24
Reporter: Stevo Slavic Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.31 CE OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[6 Jan 2011 9:31] Stevo Slavic
A query execution lasted too long and I tried to interrup it via "Stop the query being executed" button. After that two messages appeared in output, first saying INTERRUPT OK, and then "Error Code: 1053Server shutdown in progress", although connection was still valid, and server shutdown was not in progress.

How to repeat:
Start a long query, and try to kill it.

Suggested fix:
Display more appropriate message in the output after query execution is killed.
[29 Jan 2011 2:33] Alfredo Kojima
I can't get the exact error message mentioned, instead, by aborting select sleep(10)
I get: Error Code: 2006
MySQL server has gone away

In any case, the error message shouldn't be shown since it's a direct result of the cancelation from user.
[19 Apr 2011 18:05] Alfredo Kojima
What server version do you use?
[17 Jun 2011 19:24] Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.2.34 changelogs.

Workbench displayed superfluous error messages after the user
interrupted a query.