Bug #59237 MEB - start menu shortcut not where one expects it to be
Submitted: 30 Dec 2010 23:00 Modified: 1 Feb 2012 14:35
Reporter: Santo Leto Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Backup Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:3.5.2 OS:Windows (Vista 32-bit, XP 64-bit)
Assigned to: Daniel Fischer CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: intuitiveness, meb, shortcuts, usability

[30 Dec 2010 23:00] Santo Leto
All mysql tools you can install using msi installation wizards, create by default shortcuts in the start menu "All Programs / MySQL".
For example, on my machine, I've the following list:

Start Menu / All Programs 
+--> MySQL 
|	+--> MySQL Workbench 5.2 SE
|	|
|	+--> MySQL Connector C 6.0.2
|	|
|	+--> MySQL Connector Net 6.3.5
|	|
|	+--> MySQL Enterprise Monitor
|	|
|	+--> MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent
|	|
|	+--> MySQL Server 5.5
+--> MySQL Enterprise Backup 3.5.2

MySQL Enterprise Backup, instead, creates its own folder outside the MySQL parent directory (as you can see above).

We probably want to include MySQL Enteprise Backup in the MySQL folder too, in oder be consistent with choices we made for the other tools and increase intuitiveness. 

How to repeat:
Click on menu "Start / All Programs" menu.

Suggested fix:
See above.
[4 Jan 2011 20:36] Hema Sridharan
I was able to repeat this issue when I downloaded the MEB GUI installed for windows from Oracle edelivery website. MEB 3.5.2 creates a new directory in all programs menu.
[13 Jan 2011 9:59] Valeriy Kravchuk
Verified on 64-bit Windows XP. .msi of MEB does not follow the same layout for program group/shortcuts as other MySQL software.