Bug #59215 Not saving the SQL History files
Submitted: 29 Dec 2010 16:11 Modified: 1 Sep 2011 19:48
Reporter: David Muoz Vicente Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.31 OS:Windows (XP SP3)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[29 Dec 2010 16:11] David Muoz Vicente
When executing any query in the SQL editor I get this error in the output window:
Error:	Time: 16:31:41	Message: Can't write to SQL history file	Details: C:\Documents and Settings\dmuñozvi\Datos de programa\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2010-12-29

I think the problem could be in the "ñ" char in my profile folder.

Is there any way to change the app config folder or the sql_history folder so I can check if the problem is solved?

This is the output from the system info option
MySQL Workbench CE for Windows version 5.2.31
Configuration Directory: C:\Documents and Settings\dmuñozvi\Datos de programa\MySQL\Workbench
Data Directory: C:\Archivos de programa\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 5.2 CE
Cairo Version: 1.8.8
Rendering Mode: OpenGL is not available on this system, so GDI is used for rendering.
OS: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (build 2600)
CPU: 2x Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz, 2.0 GiB RAM
Active video adapter: Intel(R) 82945G Express Chipset Family
Installed video RAM: 224 MB
Current video mode: 1440 x 900 x 4294967296 colores
Used bit depth: 32
Driver version:
Installed display drivers: ialmrnt5.dll
Current user language: Español (alfabetización internacional)

How to repeat:
Executing any query
[27 Apr 2011 15:21] Armando Lopez Valencia
Defect Verified on windows XP with Workbench 5.2.33b.
It is not showing an error message anymore BUT workbench is not creating the history files.

Repro Steps:
1. Create a windows account with the special character "ñ" within the name.
2. Open Workbench.
3. Open the SQL Editor.
4. Execute a couple of querys (select * from world.city).
5. Go to output tab.
6. Select "History" from the "Show output from" tab.
7. Verify the History Log.
8. Close Workbench.
9. Repeat steps 2-7.

Expected Results:
The history Logs from the last session must appear.

Actual results:
No logs from the last session appears.

If you go to: "C:\Documents and Settings\[User with "ñ"]\Application Data\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\"
you will notice that no history files are created.
[1 Sep 2011 19:48] Philip Olson
Fixed as of 5.2.35:

+        The SQL Editor <guilabel>History</guilabel> could not be saved
+        when the username contained Unicode characters. This was due to
+        &workbench; attempting to save files using an invalid file path.