Bug #59117 Add explanation of "Update password on save" options to MEM docs
Submitted: 22 Dec 2010 22:33 Modified: 11 May 2011 20:35
Reporter: Jonathon Coombes Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:2.3 OS:Any
Assigned to: John Russell CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: Docs, documentation, mem, Merlin, UI

[22 Dec 2010 22:33] Jonathon Coombes
Add an explanation of how the "Update password on save" option works in the global settings in MEM.

Essentially this will update the saved password stored in MEM. This means that the first time the configuration is setup, this option has to be chosen to be able to set up the password (ungrey the password fields).

Once it is saved, the only time it is required is if you change the external password and need to update the internal saved password to match.

There are currently to sections for this - the SMTP gateway settings and the LDAP authentication settings.

How to repeat:

Suggested fix:
[11 May 2011 20:35] John Russell
Explanations were added some time back to the LDAP and SMTP settings doc for 2.3. Closing the bug now.