Bug #59024 Not possible to add new account
Submitted: 18 Dec 2010 11:26 Modified: 18 Dec 2010 12:49
Reporter: Louis Breda van Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: General Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.5.8 OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: accounts

[18 Dec 2010 11:26] Louis Breda van

Last few days I tried to set up a new MySQL server (5.5.8 64 bit). But up to my surprise, I went into big trouble when trying to create accounts.

I got messages like "Unhandled Exception: Error adding account"  

Using google I found bugs in this forum like #58938 which are suggesting that some thing is wrong in the workbench.

That is (in this regard) NOT TRUE. The problem is in the server and it is introduced recently. The bug was not there in 5.5.6.

in fact it did cost me a lot of hours to find out.


How to repeat:
Just do a clean install from 5.5.8. on (at least) windows7 64 bit and try to create a new account using either workbench or the old administrator.

For information:
- uninstalling 5.5.8. completely using the uninstaller does NOT remove 5.5.8. far engough for a clean install of another version. 
- I did *not* manage to install 5.5.6. after an 5.5.8. uninstall
- After a restore of the system using an trueimage backup (form before the installation of 5.5.8) I could do a fresh 5.5.6. install
- after that I could setup the DB as it should including the setup of new accounts.
[18 Dec 2010 12:44] Valeriy Kravchuk
This is a duplicate of bug #58938.

Some background. Since 5.5.7 new column was added to the mysq.user table, authentication_string. It does not accept NULLs and has NULL as default value. So, it must be provided explicitly when inserting new row. Workbench fails to recognize and do this. It is a bug in Workbench.
[18 Dec 2010 12:49] Louis Breda van
Thans Valeriy,

For the quick responce and information. 

It stays a very nasty bug. Since I am not willing to create users form the command line. I stay at 5.5.6 :> 


[18 Dec 2010 12:49] Louis Breda van
Thans Valeriy,

For the quick responce and information. 

It stays a very nasty bug. Since I am not willing to create users form the command line. I stay at 5.5.6 :> 

