Bug #58687 MEB (mysqlbackup): Refine output messages
Submitted: 3 Dec 2010 0:35 Modified: 12 Oct 2011 18:41
Reporter: Ritheesh Vedire Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Backup Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:3.5.2 OS:Any
Assigned to: Ritheesh Vedire CPU Architecture:Any

[3 Dec 2010 0:35] Ritheesh Vedire
1) If 'InnoDB parameters are absent in the my.cnf file, it gives the wrong
2) Misspelling of 'utility' in exec_when_locked()
3) a new line missing in print_connection_parameters()

How to repeat:
C:\Work-MySQL\bug57023\meb-innobackup-c\Debug\mysqlbackup.exe --ibbackup=C:\Work-MySQL\meb-3.5.next\meb-ibbackup\bin\Debug\ibbackup.exe --user=root
--password=hello my-small.cnf Backup-root
mysqlbackup: The unique backup id generated for the current backup operation is

mysqlbackup: IMPORTANT: Please check that backup run completes successfully.
            At the end of a successful 'backup' run mysqlbackup
            prints "mysqlbackup completed OK!".

mysqlbackup: Error: config file 'my-small.cnf' does not contain the group innodb_data_home_dir.

For 2) and 3), see the code.

Suggested fix:
1) In read_config_wrapper(), the statement should be if (config_str_val != NULL)
2) Correct the message.
3) add a new line.
[3 Dec 2010 12:02] Ritheesh Vedire
Pushed to meb-3.5.next. 
rev-id: ritheesh.vedire@sun.com-20101203115426-a8qh9ytdt37y6wai
[12 Oct 2011 18:41] Sveta Smirnova
Closed in version 3.5.2