Bug #58565 Beautifier giving unexpected exception for queries that aren't syntax correct
Submitted: 29 Nov 2010 17:45 Modified: 30 Nov 2010 14:05
Reporter: Roger David Nay Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.30 OS:Windows (XP SP3)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[29 Nov 2010 17:45] Roger David Nay
When trying to beautify the following query, an unexpected exception is generated.

select * from mysql.db wheXre host='%a'

MySQL Workbench has encountered a problem.

error calling SQLIDEUtils.enbeautificate: see output for details

Unexpected exception...

How to repeat:
Put the query in the SQL Editor Query box

select * from mysql.db wheXre host='%a'

Then from the manu select 'Edit->Format->Beautify Query'.

Suggested fix:
A 'Query syntax not correct, can't beautify' or similar message, or just attempt to beautify it, and allow me to back out the beautify if I don't like it.

Works great if the query syntax is OK.
[29 Nov 2010 20:48] Johannes Taxacher
fix confirmed in repository
[30 Nov 2010 14:05] Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 5.2.31 changelog:

In the Query Editor, using the beautifier on a query resulted in an unhandled exception.
[8 Dec 2010 17:12] Alfredo Kojima
Bug #58820 is a duplicate