Bug #58531 Debug DLLs not included on Windows
Submitted: 27 Nov 2010 14:11 Modified: 5 Sep 2013 12:13
Reporter: Anders Karlsson Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Packaging Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.5.7 OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: regression

[27 Nov 2010 14:11] Anders Karlsson
The binary distribution and the MSI installer on Windows does not include debug DLLs / import libraries. This is the case for both 5.5.6 and 5.5.7. Only the staticly linked mysqlclient.lib is included. Using the statically linked library on Windows is difficult, as it usually requires the target application to use the same version of Visual Studio that MySQL was built with.

How to repeat:
Download and install the MySQL MSI for MySQL 5.5.6 or 5.5.7, or download the .zip file for any of these versions. In the lib/debug directory, there is ni libmysql.dll / libmysql.lib.
[28 Nov 2010 2:25] Vladislav Vaintroub
Can't you use optimized shared client? It has the same exports as debug shared client.
[28 Nov 2010 3:07] Vladislav Vaintroub
this is also the case for 5.5.5. 

I "think" it is not a bug because the single reason to have a debug DLL would be to have the best experience for debugging the client library, and for this  one could compile it from source, just like on every other platform.

One can debug the optimized client DLL (debug symbpols are included), though the debugging comfort would be somewhat reduced, compared to the version built without optimization.
[28 Nov 2010 9:01] Anders Karlsson
Using the debug DLLs is just becase I want to be able to debug MySQL. I think that is a reasonable request, considering that MySQL really wants me to be able to track down and report MySQL bugs.
[5 Sep 2013 12:13] Yngve Svendsen
The following section was added as part of the 5.5.11 release notes:

"For the Windows installer, debug information files and the embedded MySQL server have been removed from the standard MSI distribution file to reduce the download size for the majority of users.

If these files are needed, the Zip distribution must be downloaded separately and be extracted in the installation directory, which is most probably C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5 on English systems."

This should hopefully be an acceptable solution for the relatively small proportion of users that do debugging.