Bug #58241 Please exclude make_binary_distribution from the distribution
Submitted: 16 Nov 2010 17:59 Modified: 24 Oct 2011 15:37
Reporter: Vladislav Vaintroub Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Packaging Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.5+ OS:Any
Assigned to: Joerg Bruehe CPU Architecture:Any

[16 Nov 2010 17:59] Vladislav Vaintroub
There is a replacement for it, "make package" , or cpack.

How to repeat:

Suggested fix:
bzr rm
[17 Nov 2010 18:48] Vladislav Vaintroub
Also, make_win_bin_dist is not definitely useless.
[17 Nov 2010 18:48] Vladislav Vaintroub
s/not/now :)
[13 Sep 2011 10:50] Joerg Bruehe
I verified that these files may go,
a changeset is committed and waiting for reviews.
[13 Sep 2011 11:27] Joerg Bruehe
Approved in chat.

Pushed into 5.5 (for 5.5.17) and "trunk" (for 5.6.4).

Docs team:
The man page for "make_win_bin_dist" should be removed for 5.5 and up,
the script has gone.
[24 Oct 2011 15:37] Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.5.17, 5.6.4 changelogs.

The make_win_bin_dist script is no longer used and has been removed
from MySQL distributions and the manual.