Bug #58210 Allow Resluts Tabs to have Meaningful Names
Submitted: 15 Nov 2010 20:14 Modified: 16 Nov 2010 5:01
Reporter: Wes Grant Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.2.27 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: Results Tab Naming

[15 Nov 2010 20:14] Wes Grant
It would be nice to be able to name Results Tabs to something other than Result(1), etc...

I would suggest that if I ran a query like:

SELECT * FROM user u JOIN location l ON u.location_id = l.id AS user_location

... that the tab be named Result(user_location)

This would be very helpful when my script contains multiple select statements.

How to repeat:
Open the SQL editor and run the following query:

SELECT * FROM user AS user;
SELECT * FROM location AS location;

The Results Tab has the following named tabs:


Suggested fix:
named tabs should be:

[16 Nov 2010 5:01] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for the feature request.
[16 Nov 2010 15:22] Alfredo Kojima
Suggested SQL syntax will cause problems, but we could maybe use the 1st comment in the query for the resultset or a comment at the end of the query, if possible, eg:

--- resultname
select 1;


select 1 /** resultname */;
[5 Apr 2017 9:42] MySQL Verification Team
Bug #85629 marked as duplicate of this one
[9 May 2019 6:50] Burkhard Vogel
I'd really like the idea of the comment, and as other GUIs already use a 
-- title: myQueryTabName 
syntax, that should probably the way to go? This feature would really be helpful!
[3 Jul 2022 2:37] Fraser Parke
I'm very surprised this hasn't been implemented yet.  This is an 11 and a half year old request.

As this is a database query feature request and this program is used to display and interpret data, it seems self-evident that having the ability to name tabs where a great many tabs may exist, is important functionality, not to mention an easy fix.

As said above, "-- title: xyz", like your competitors.