Bug #58029 Getting notifications for nothing
Submitted: 6 Nov 2010 12:32 Modified: 5 May 2012 20:53
Reporter: Peter Laursen (Basic Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Websites: bugs.mysql.com Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Vlad Safronov CPU Architecture:Any

[6 Nov 2010 12:32] Peter Laursen
In those two reports


.. I got a mail notification that the topic was updated.  I do not see any new content.  My best guess is that a MySQL person (in both actual cases it is  Shane) updated the topic with an internal comment, that I cannot see.  If there is nothing new for me to see I should not have a mail notification. It wastes my time and confuses me.

How to repeat:
see above.

Suggested fix:
If there is nothing new for me to see I should not have a mail notification. It wastes my time and confuses me.
[6 Nov 2010 13:06] MySQL Verification Team
It is annoying indeed. The intension of private comment was to prevent a notification completely. Made them public now, btw [was more like notes to self..]
[18 Nov 2010 8:50] Peter Laursen
HELP!!  This morning I had more than 50 such 'empty' notifications. I can only delete them all and I may miss a few that are not empty.

Please do something about it ASAP
[18 Nov 2010 9:10] MySQL Verification Team
the large number from earlier was due to a batch update of the dev lead, which is a private field..
[5 May 2012 20:53] Vlad Safronov
this bug has been fixed.