Bug #57833 MEM Dashboard: You must log in to access the requested resource...
Submitted: 29 Oct 2010 8:05 Modified: 17 Apr 2018 13:01
Reporter: Ulf Wendel Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Web Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Assigned Account CPU Architecture:Any

[29 Oct 2010 8:05] Ulf Wendel

I've downloaded and installed mysqlmonitor- . Now I'm toying around with the Dashboard web interface.

I do:

  Settings -> Manage Servers -> create group -> create a new group "ab"

Then I do again:

  Settings -> Manage Servers -> create group -> create a new group "ab"

Of course, the Dashboard bails:

    * U0104 The group already exists.

With the error popup window still open, I press Enter a couple of times. I happened to have my fingers over the Enter button and not over the ESC button because the last thing I did was enter some text (a group name) and confirm my input with Enter. I press enter for a while. The popup windows starts to show:

    * U0104 The group already exists.
    * U0104 The group already exists.
    * U0002 You must log in to access the requested resource. Go to login page.
    * U0002 You must log in to access the requested resource. Go to login page.
    * U0002 You must log in to access the requested resource. Go to login page.
    * U0002 You must log in to access the requested resource. Go to login page.
    * U0002 You must log in to access the requested resource. Go to login page.
    * U0002 You must log in to access the requested resource. Go to login page.
    * U0002 You must log in to access the requested resource. Go to login page.
    * U0002 You must log in to access the requested resource. Go to login page.
    * U0002 You must log in to access the requested resource. Go to login page.

If I press ESC now to exit the error popup window, I can still work without having to log in again. If so, why does the error windows say I have to login again?

(Ok, I'm doing unfair things and priority is very low, but still)

How to repeat:
See above:

I do:

  Settings -> Manage Servers -> create group -> create a new group "ab"

Then I do again:

  Settings -> Manage Servers -> create group -> create a new group "ab"

In the error popup window press Enter multiple times

Suggested fix:
Don't repeat the error message and don't switch over to login error if its not true.
[29 Oct 2010 8:09] Ulf Wendel
A slight variation of the game:

  Create group "ab"
  Create group "ab" -> Error same group exists -> press Enter multiple times -> Login error -> Press ESC to exit error popup -> in the create popup press create again -> U0002 You must log in to access the requested resource. Go to login page. (no warning about duplicate name any more, just login error)
[29 Oct 2010 16:59] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Marcos Palacios writes: 
Attempted to verify this bug on Mac OS X 10.5 with same MEM version, see attachment: It keeps giving same error as the first time. Then, I escaped the error popup and hit 'create' again, then got the error popup again; when I tried 'enter' several times, I only got the same original error.
[29 Oct 2010 16:59] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot

Attachment: 10512_Picture 15.png (image/png, text), 149.59 KiB.

[29 Oct 2010 17:10] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Marcos Palacios writes: 
I could not reproduce on Windows either.
[17 Apr 2018 13:01] MySQL Verification Team
Closing according last comment.