Bug #57751 ODBC Connection to IBM Congnos returns only first rwo from table
Submitted: 26 Oct 2010 18:50 Modified: 29 May 2013 5:55
Reporter: Dave Stokes Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / ODBC Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1 OS:Windows (Windows 7)
Assigned to: Bogdan Degtyariov CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: Cognos, ODBC

[26 Oct 2010 18:50] Dave Stokes
Under 'explorer' to a known good 4.1.51 for Win32 instance,  attempting to preview data under IBM Cognos 8 Framework Manager, you can only fetch one row of data (the first in the MyISAM table).  

Double click on table and under the test tab, try to preview the data with 'Test Sample' -- but you will see only first row.

How to repeat:
Create a new project in IBM Cognos 8 Framework manager, create a data source to a local server with a multi-row table, test connection, use 'explorer' to see table names, click on desired table, and try to run 'select * from department'.  Under the Query Subject Definition you can set the number of rows to preview.  But for some reason all you will see is the first row of data only.
[27 Oct 2010 6:14] Tonci Grgin
Hi Dave and thanks for your report.

Can you please point me to a free version of Cognos so I can try this out? Preferably one that runs under Win7 x64 as I do not have 32bit variant.

Next, can you please attach driver manager ODBC trace of the problem (see docs on how to get one).
[27 Oct 2010 15:07] David Stokes
The link for downloading the Cognos software is at http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24021671

Let me know if you need more information.
[27 Oct 2010 15:08] David Stokes
zip file of odbc trace

Attachment: cognos.zip (application/zip, text), 24.53 KiB.

[28 Oct 2010 7:41] Tonci Grgin
Dave, how many rows there are? In trace file I see two successful fetches before SQL_NO_DATA is returned.

Please provide me with DSN type (if used) and connect options too.
[28 Oct 2010 7:58] Tonci Grgin
I'd also like to see the CONNECT part of trace...
[8 Nov 2010 17:18] David Stokes
The tables have between 3 and 1500 rows.  

As for the DSN, I am using defaults other than hostname, and account.
[11 Oct 2011 6:09] Bogdan Degtyariov
This bug should be fixed in the new release of Connector/ODBC 5.1.9.
Can you give it a test on your side?
[11 Nov 2011 7:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".
[29 May 2013 5:55] Bogdan Degtyariov
I'm closing this bug because I can not continue without feedback from the reporter. If you have new info, please reopen the report.