Bug #57417 ndb_error_reporter only collects logs matching name ndb_$id*.
Submitted: 12 Oct 2010 22:33 Modified: 27 Jun 2012 14:05
Reporter: Matthew Montgomery Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:ndb-7.1.7 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[12 Oct 2010 22:33] Matthew Montgomery
The LogDestination variable can set the cluster log to any name.  If you do specify LogDestination=FILE without a filename= included ndbd uses logger.log by default.  ndb_error_reporter currently only collects log files in the form ndb_$id*.

How to repeat:
Set LogDestination=FILE:maxsize=32000000,maxfiles=6

Restart ndb_mgmd --initial

This line/file set the default filename if left unset. 

53 ./storage/ndb/include/logger/FileLogHandler.hpp: FileLogHandler(const char* aFileName = "logger.log",

Snip from ndb_error_reporter that determines logs to collect.

59 foreach my $node (@nodes)
60 {
61 print "\n\n Copying data from node $node".
62 (($config_get_fs)?" with filesystem":"").
63 "\n\n";
64 my $recurse= ($config_get_fs)?'-r ':'';
65 system 'scp -p '.$recurse.$config_username.config($node,'host').
66 ':'.config($node,'datadir')."/ndb_".$node."* ".
67 "$reportdir/\n";
68 }

Suggested fix:
ndb_error_reporter should be extended to parse the LogDestination to properly identify log file(s) to collect, or at a minimum also pull logger.log. 

Alternatively set the default file name as ndb_$id_cluster.log instead of logger.log when filename is not specified LogDestination so that it is not missed by ndb_error_reporter.
[13 Oct 2010 7:17] Magnus BlÄudd
In addition, specifying an empty log name should not cause the Logger.log default to be used.
[27 Jun 2012 14:05] Jon Stephens
Fixed in NDB 7.0+. Documented as follows in the NDB 7.0.34, 7.1.23, and 7.2.7 changelogs:

      When FILE was used for the LogDestination parameter without 
      also specifying the filename, the log file name defaulted to 
      'logger.log'. Now in such cases, the name defaults to  

[23 Sep 2013 13:09] Jon Stephens
This is also fixed in NDB 6.3.52. Status unchanged.