Bug #574 Setting timezone: -TZ ignored, --timezone not recognized
Submitted: 3 Jun 2003 7:19 Modified: 3 Jun 2003 7:30
Reporter: Thomas Studer Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:4.0.13 OS:Windows (Windows XP)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[3 Jun 2003 7:19] Thomas Studer
Hi, I've been having problems setting the timezone.

For example,

in my.ini doesn't work. Similarly, starting the server with
>mysqld --standalone -TZ GMT+2
is simply ignored and
>mysqld --standalone --timezone=GMT+2 
tells me that 'timezone' is not recognized.

Thanks for looking into it.

How to repeat:
In a DOS shell, type:

>mysqld --standalone --timezone=GMT+2

And you'll get:
>mysqld: ERROR: unknown variable 'timezone=GMT+2'

Now type:

>mysqld --standalone -TZ GMT+2

And the server starts fine. However, its 'timezone' variable displayed using winmysqladmin still tells me that it is set to W. Europe Standard Time.
[3 Jun 2003 7:30] MySQL Verification Team
This issue was already reported.
Please read the bug #411 about the current status.