Bug #57348 Doctrine act as
Submitted: 9 Oct 2010 18:48 Modified: 13 Nov 2010 0:44
Reporter: Petronel Laviniu Malutan Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version: 5.2.28 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: act as, doctrine, indicator

[9 Oct 2010 18:48] Petronel Laviniu Malutan
I am using Workbench to create EER diagrams and to "feel" better the database.
Problem is that after I am DOCTRINE export with a plugin the databases to a schema.yml

I realise that plugin will have to be modified too in order to get a final result but I am thinking it would be nice to have a SETTING option like a checkbox to allow to select from a multiselect dropdown the required behaviour.

I feel this could be usefull !




Nesting Behaviors

How to repeat:
select preferences and click on Doctrine TAB.
There check the checkbox next to "SHOW Doctrine behaviours"
Close to colapse and expand arrow in the EER Diagram table title, add a circle onto which when click show a dropdown multiselect with behaviours which later could be reshown as selected.

Suggested fix:
select preferences and click on Doctrine TAB.
There check the checkbox next to "SHOW Doctrine behaviours"
Close to colapse and expand arrow in the EER Diagram table title, add a circle onto which when click show a dropdown multiselect with behaviours which later could be reshown as selected.
[28 Oct 2010 21:33] Alfredo Kojima
I don't understand, this sounds like a feature request to the Doctrine export plugin, not the core Workbench.
[13 Nov 2010 0:44] Alfredo Kojima

Please file your feature request to the Doctrine export plugin author, the feature you want does not belong to Workbench.