Bug #57344 Documentation search on dev.mysql.com is awful
Submitted: 8 Oct 2010 18:41 Modified: 18 Oct 2010 17:28
Reporter: Tim Soderstrom Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Websites: MySQL.com Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:Any OS:Any (Web)
Assigned to: Adam Donnison CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: dev.mysql.com, documentation, search, URL

[8 Oct 2010 18:41] Tim Soderstrom
It used to be that doing something like:


Gave reasonable results. Namely, in the above case, the first return would have been:


It seems that moving to Google site-search sometime ago made this worse, but since the Oracle acquisition, it's not, frankly, brilliantly awful. Using Google directly is actually more accurate than MySQL's own site search, which seems totally backwards.

How to repeat:
Search for something specific in the docs, typically specific topics that have their own pages (such as ENUM, CREATE TABLE, etc.):


Suggested fix:
Make searching not suck.
[8 Oct 2010 18:43] Tim Soderstrom
Fixed misspelling in Synopsis.
[8 Oct 2010 18:48] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

Verified as described.
[8 Oct 2010 19:41] Sveta Smirnova
Honestly specific documentation search works better now.
[8 Oct 2010 19:58] Tim Soderstrom
Perhaps, but the URL-based search is actually both cool and very convenient. The problem is that old forum posts seem to be having a higher priority than the documentation itself. Perhaps if those weights could be adjusted it would be much better?
[10 Oct 2010 15:56] MySQL Verification Team
this has been mentioned before:

[10 Oct 2010 23:38] Murray Thompson
I'd second Tim's comments. 

However, I think that the former search within dev.mysql.com still worked to some degree. The results that now show the Oracle logo at the top are totally useless.
[11 Oct 2010 15:17] Tom Knight
Another vote for this one, at least in the old search you would get a result searching for the title of one of the pages even if you did have to click the "view omitted searches" link. But now you don't get these showing up, the closet you get is a page that has a link to the page you're looking for.

I was hoping the attribute filters might do what I wanted but they seem to be even more random.

Please either fix this or put the old search functionality back as this one is completely useless.
[12 Oct 2010 7:35] Adam Donnison
The specific bug as described has been fixed, in that dev.mysql.com/enum now correctly redirects to the ENUM documentation page.

Other improvements are being worked on.
[13 Oct 2010 3:52] Adam Donnison
Now instituted better separation of results, with context specific help.  E.g. if you are in the documentation pages when you use the top or bottom page search, searches are limited to the documentation (ignoring forums, for instance). If you use the sidebar search it will limit to the version and language of the current documentation page.

Testing so far is looking promising.
[13 Oct 2010 4:35] Murray Thompson
To look at a few others that don't work very well, please compare the results from a Google search to that of the in-site search (adding 'mysql' in Google search cases) for:
'if then'
'group by'

So there is still some issue with how the results are being found. 

However, it's not all bad. For example, searches for 'INSERT', 'Collate' and 'isnull' were fairly comparable.
[13 Oct 2010 4:37] Adam Donnison
Closed as the primary bug has been resolved, and various improvements made.
[18 Oct 2010 17:28] Tim Soderstrom
Just wanted to say whatever changes were made have dramatically improved things! Thanks for getting this taken care of quickly!
[18 Oct 2010 17:28] Tim Soderstrom
Just wanted to say whatever changes were made have dramatically improved things! Thanks for getting this taken care of quickly!