Bug #57334 FULL OUTER JOIN is not working
Submitted: 8 Oct 2010 4:58 Modified: 8 Oct 2010 5:09
Reporter: Anil Alpati Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.45 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[8 Oct 2010 4:58] Anil Alpati
In the below query FULL OUTER JOIN is not working


from ((Select a.office_id as oid, o.display_name as bname,p.personnel_id as pid, p.display_name as KendraManager,
sum(ifnull(l.interest_paid,0)) as InterestPaid
From mifos.account a
left join mifos.loan_account la on mifos.la.account_id = mifos.a.account_id
left join mifos.loan_schedule l on mifos.l.account_id = mifos.a.account_id
left join mifos.personnel p on (p.personnel_id=a.PERSONNEL_ID)
inner join mifos.office o on(o.office_id=a.office_id)
Where l.id>=(select loan_schedule_id from mifos.max_rec where creation_date=curdate()-1) and l.action_date =curdate()-1
and (l.payment_date = curdate()-1 or l.payment_status=0)
and (mifos.a.account_state_id = 5 or mifos.a.account_state_id = 9 or (mifos.a.account_state_id <> 10 and mifos.a.closed_date =curdate()-1))
and a.office_id in(12)
group by a.office_id, p.personnel_id) as interest


(select a.office_id as oid,p.display_name as bname,p.personnel_id as pid, p.display_name as Kmanager,sum(ca.amount)as fineAmount
from mifos.account a,mifos.customer_account_activity ca, personnel p
Where a.account_id = ca.account_id
and p.personnel_id=a.personnel_id
and ca.customer_account_activity_id>=(select customer_account_Activity_id from mifos.max_rec where creation_date=curdate()-1)
and a.account_type_id=3
and ca.created_date=curdate()-1
and ca.description='Payment rcvd.'
and a.office_id in(12)
group by a.office_id, p.personnel_id) fine on (interest.oid=fine.oid and interest.pid=fine.pid ))

group by Interest.oid,Interest.KendraManager;

How to repeat:
for your information 

First Query will return 8 rows.. &
Second Query will return 5 rows.. &  

if its Common is pid. then returns only all 8 rows..
[8 Oct 2010 5:09] MySQL Verification Team
Not enough information was provided for us to be able to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at http://bugs.mysql.com/how-to-report.php

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it to this bug and change the status back to 'Open'.

Thank you for your interest in MySQL.

Please provide a reduced testcase, including all drop/table table statements, and data demonstrating the problem you think is happening.