Bug #56931 MySQL Workbench requested me to file this bug report ??
Submitted: 22 Sep 2010 12:51 Modified: 23 Sep 2010 11:51
Reporter: Hugh Hart Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2CE OS:Windows (XP Pro)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[22 Sep 2010 12:51] Hugh Hart
Dialog popped up requesting that I report a bug. The following is the text off this dialog that is pertinent:

MySQL Workbench has encountered a problem
OverviewBE::get_note: invalid note 0.0.0
We are sorry ... standard message follows.

Steps to this point.
1. Started MySQL Workbench
2. Double-clicked on the bar-button-area to select our production database.
3. Dialog appeared.

It appears that the SQL editor, database connection, etc. are all working fine. However, in the SQL Editor, the OVERVIEW tab does not have all its text.

How to repeat:

Suggested fix:
This is what I will do to try to fix this situation:

1. Close and re-open workbench, and try the production database connection again.
2. If still an error, close, re-open, and try the development database connection.
3. If still an error, uninstall then re-install workbench.
4. Worst case, install WorkBench onto another computer.
[22 Sep 2010 12:57] Hugh Hart
It is working now. What I did:
1. Closed WorkBench. 
2. Also closed web application that was connected to the same database (Kayako Support Suite).
3. Reopened Workbench, and selected the production database for the SQL editor. Opened fine and the editor's OVERVIEW tab is displaying all its information and its tab name.
[23 Sep 2010 11:51] Johannes Taxacher
closing this. please re-open if you encounter the problem again and find way to reproduce the problem. Thanks