Bug #56788 configuration: programme stops responding or can't apply security settings
Submitted: 15 Sep 2010 9:13 Modified: 16 Sep 2010 23:11
Reporter: Alexander V Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Config Wizard Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:mysql-essential-5.1.50-winx64 OS:Windows (7 64)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: configuration, not responding, security settings

[15 Sep 2010 9:13] Alexander V
Hi, sorry, but I can't make mysql configured, as it stucks when "Execute" button is pushed. 

It goes through "Prepare configuration", "Write configuration file", and then progamme stops responding and never going to do "Start service" and "Apply security settings"

Antivirus: Avast security (by the way, I switched it off (once), but still had the same problem).

Can't run the installation process as administrator (there is no such option)

Every time, when configuration is unsuccessful, I remove the programme, delete Mysql folder, and then restore windows system.

For some reason, the system remembers my old password (which I don't quite remember)

Previously, the configuration went through (couple of times), but there were some problems with security settings, something wrong with password.

May be, it is not a bug, but I will really appreciate, if you can assist me on a successful configuration of Mysql

Thanks, Alexander

How to repeat:
every time during configurating
[15 Sep 2010 23:46] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. After the failed install please look for a file
called your_machine_hostname.err in data directory and if it exists print here its contents. Thanks in advance
[16 Sep 2010 11:20] Alexander V
Hi, thank you for your reply, unfortunately, I could't find a file your_machine_hostname.err (I guess, that I need to put my computer's name instead of your_machine but I am not sure about hostname). Anyway, I tried to find any file with extension .err, but there were no any. 

Now I cannot even go further to start executing, because a new message comes on my screen: "A Windows service with the name MySQL already exists. Please uninstall this service correctly or choose a different name for the new service".

So, I try to change service name from MySQL to MySQL4 and it goes through to a dilogue box with execute button, but, once I push it, the programme stops responding

Is there any sollution? Wish to be able to configure MySQL and to start the service, Thanks beforehand,

[16 Sep 2010 23:11] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

If you have password in old data directory and don't remember it this is not a bug. You should either restore root password as described at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/resetting-permissions.html or don't choose option which allows to change security privileges in the Configuration Wizard.