Bug #56684 MySQL fails to compile if configured to not include Partition storage engine
Submitted: 9 Sep 2010 10:50 Modified: 9 Sep 2010 11:11
Reporter: Olav Sandstå Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Partitions Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.6.99 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[9 Sep 2010 10:50] Olav Sandstå
If I try to compile MySQL without including the Partition storage engine the compilation fails with the following error message:

sql_yacc.yy: In function int MYSQLparse(void*):
sql_yacc.yy:6516: error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type Sql_cmd_alter_table_optimize_partition
sql_partition_admin.h:76: note:   because the following virtual functions are pure within Sql_cmd_alter_table_optimize_partition:
sql_cmd.h:132: note: 	virtual enum_sql_command Sql_cmd::sql_command_code() const

How to repeat:
1. Branch the latest source from mysql-next-mr-bugfixing:

2a: Compile using our compile scripts:


2b: Compile using Cmake:

[9 Sep 2010 11:11] Olav Sandstå
This is a duplicate of Bug#56537.