Bug #56683 mysqld crashes with signal 6 and 11, "stack smashing detected"
Submitted: 9 Sep 2010 10:48 Modified: 10 Oct 2010 22:22
Reporter: Gertjan Oude Lohuis Email Updates:
Status: No Feedback Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.1.49 OS:Linux (Debian squeeze AMD64)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[9 Sep 2010 10:48] Gertjan Oude Lohuis
Our mysqld crashes repeatedly on two identical servers. Sometimes a few times a day, sometimes once in two days. Information in the errorlog is limited, at least for my untrained eyes.

I'll add the message from the errorlog as an attachment.

Our setup:
* Two identical servers (Dell R610, RAID 10 on H700 controller, 24 GB RAM, 1 quadcore E5620 Xeon processor)
* Servers are both running Debian Squeeze 64bit, mysql 5.1.49 from Debian-repository
* Servers are in a master-slave replication setup
* Servers are running a lot of InnoDB and some MyISAM databases. We use the built-in version of InnoDB.
* There are no other errormessages from the OS

What have we tried:
* Upgraded from 5.1.47 (with the same crash, release from Percona) to 5.1.49
* We've switched master-slave setup to rule out defective hardware. mysql crashes on both servers, but only on the master
* Switched from XFS to EXT3 as filesystem for databases and binlogs
* Switched off hyperthreading

I'm not sure what other information to supply. Could someone have a look at the errormessage from the errorlog and give some advice?

How to repeat:
Don't know :-(

Suggested fix:
Wish I knew
[9 Sep 2010 10:50] Gertjan Oude Lohuis

Attachment: db16-errorlog (application/octet-stream, text), 28.26 KiB.

[10 Sep 2010 11:16] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. If you are using Percona binaries (patched) please report the issue with Percona. Thanks in advance.
[10 Sep 2010 11:28] Gertjan Oude Lohuis
We used the percona binaries for 5.1.47. After experiencing crashes we upgraded to non-percona binaries for 5.1.49. Those came from the normal debian repository. I'll also post a bugreport with debian. Could you maybe have a look at the errorlog to see if you can get an idea where the crash is coming from?
[10 Sep 2010 22:22] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

Please use our binaries available from dev.mysql.com/downloads as we don't support nor Percona, neither Debian binaries.

Anyway error log show you can experience problems with RAM. Please check you RAM using memtest86 utility or some other proper utility.
[22 Sep 2010 7:36] Sven Sandberg
See also BUG#45912.
Not sure if it's the same issue since BUG#45912 seems to be ndb-related.
[10 Oct 2010 23:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
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the status of the bug back to "Open".