Bug #56582 Innobackup history logs shows engines used by server not the engines 'backed' up
Submitted: 6 Sep 2010 8:52 Modified: 20 Mar 2012 3:12
Reporter: Satya B Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Backup Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Satya B CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: innobackup C, meb

[6 Sep 2010 8:52] Satya B
After executing backup using innobacup C from meb-3.5-next, history and progress
logs are generated.

SELECT engines FROM mysql.backup_history;
returns the engines used by server not the engines backed up.

WL#5495 say the engines will return the engines backed up.

When Implementing WL#5495, I couldn't find a way to get the engines backed up as we do file level copying.

How to repeat:
use Innobackup, Ibbackup from   bzr+ssh://nbodapati@bk-internal.mysql.com/bzrroot/meb/meb-dev/meb-3.5.next/

run the meb suite in mysql-5.1-meb branch.

do SELECT engines FROM mysql.backup_history; after executing innobackup.

Suggested fix:
Get the engines by examining the extensions of the files copied?
[20 Mar 2012 3:12] John Russell
In the current release (3.7), this will be documented as a limitation. To be revisited later for a potential code fix.