Bug #56560 1054 - Unknown column 'short_desc' in 'field list'
Submitted: 4 Sep 2010 16:14 Modified: 4 Sep 2010 16:41
Reporter: Ali Ali Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: 1054 - Unknown column 'short_desc' in 'field list'

[4 Sep 2010 16:14] Ali Ali
I am a beginner & in oscommerce I get the following error. 

1054 - Unknown column 'short_desc' in 'field list'

update products_description set products_name = '', products_info = '', products_description = '', short_desc = '', products_url = '' where products_id = '687' and language_id = '1'


Could you please help me fix this problem?
Would you please use simple instructions as I am not an expert?
Best Regards,

How to repeat:
1054 - Unknown column 'short_desc' in 'field list'

update products_description set products_name = '', products_info = '', products_description = '', short_desc = '', products_url = '' where products_id = '687' and language_id = '1'

[4 Sep 2010 16:34] Valeriy Kravchuk
According to http://www.monikamathe.com/downloads/tep_database-pr2.2-CVS.pdf, there is no such column in the products_description table. If this error comes from oscommerce code, please, report this bug to them.

This is not a bug in MySQL software in any case.
[4 Sep 2010 16:41] Ali Ali
Wow! You are wonderful with immediate reply!
I just know it is a problem in oscommerce software I have but it generates from mysql but I do not know which part. Even if it happens in oscommerce, all my friends say it is due to the mysql though I do not know anything about it.
short_desc is an addon to the products_description anyhow.
Would appreciate you think of it again. I really do not know how to fix the problem.
Thanks in advance.