Bug #5651 subquery not working with locked table
Submitted: 19 Sep 2004 15:18 Modified: 7 Oct 2004 4:30
Reporter: Ilkka Prusi Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.1.3, 4.1.4 OS:Windows (Windows (2000 and XP))
Assigned to: Lachlan Mulcahy CPU Architecture:Any

[19 Sep 2004 15:18] Ilkka Prusi
When running a query with subselect on a locked MyISAM table server returns error:
[localhost] ERROR 1100: Table 'lock_test' was not locked with LOCK TABLES

How to repeat:
On a MyISAM table 'lock_test' with field 'id' (primary key not null auto_increment) following SQL-script:

LOCK TABLE lock_test READ;
FROM lock_test
( SELECT id FROM lock_test );

Same behavior with LOCK TABLE WRITE.
Not using subquery works.

(Note that while this query does not make much sense it repeats the error.)
[7 Oct 2004 4:30] Lachlan Mulcahy
This is not a bug.. see this extract from the manual:

"When you use LOCK TABLES, you must lock all tables that you are going to use in your queries. 
While the locks obtained with a LOCK TABLES statement are in effect, you cannot access any 
tables that were not locked by the statement. Also, you cannot use a locked table multiple times 
in one query - use aliases for that. Note that in that case you must get a lock for each alias 

Please read more here:
[10 Jan 2007 18:24] Dmitry Lenev
Bug #25180 was marked as duplicate of this bug.