Bug #56430 update foreign keys upon an update of a relationship in modeling
Submitted: 31 Aug 2010 22:40 Modified: 1 Sep 2010 13:08
Reporter: Shahzad Qureshi Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.2.26 CE OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[31 Aug 2010 22:40] Shahzad Qureshi
Currently, the modeling component does not update (add or remove) the foreign keys when the relationship between two tables is updated

for example

"A" has a one-to-many non-identifying relationship with "B" where "A" references "id" field of "B" as "B_id".

if I change the datatype of "id" field of "B" to float, there is no affect on the referenced foreign key "B_id", it should change the datatype of "B_id" to float as well

Also, more importantly, lets say there is another table "C" which has a one-to-many non-identifying relationship with "A", where "C" references the "id" field of "A". 

Now if I change the non-identifying relationship of A and B (notice i am changing the relation of A and B) to identifying, there is absolutely no affect on table C which is incorrect, since now table C should also reference the "id" field of "B", "B_id". There doesn't seem to be any way of updating or refreshing so the relationships can be updated

How to repeat:
Create three tables. Name them A, B and C. Add one field called "id" in each table as a primary key

Create a non-identifying one-to-many relationship between A and B where A gets a reference of the "id" field of B

Now create the same kind of relationship between A and C where C gets a reference of "id" field of A

Now edit the relationship between A and B and change its type to "Identifying Relationship".

This should add a reference in C of the id field of B