Bug #56392 Runtime Error! R6025 -pure virtual function call
Submitted: 31 Aug 2010 3:47 Modified: 31 Aug 2010 13:01
Reporter: Martin Lyness Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.2.26 OS:Windows (Windows 7)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: crash, runtime error, virtual function, windows 7

[31 Aug 2010 3:47] Martin Lyness
This is a rather frequent but irregular runtime error that causes a complete crash of the application. I am using the modeling feature currently designing some basic tables following common best practices. 

Occassionally, when i try to open/switch from one table to another (to add a foreign key, or something i forgot) I will get this Runtime Error. It happens exactly when I double click the Model Overview tab on or off of a table I want to open for editing.

It doesn't seem to be dependant on a particular table, but just eventually occurs forcing me to save after every change I make.

It appears the last time it happened the table view opened before it crashed as the table I was clicking on is viewable under the modal dialog.

|  Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Libr...|
|   [ X ]   Runtime Error !            |
|           Program: C:\Progr..        |
|           R6025                      |
|           - Pure virtual function call
|                                      |
|                         [  OK  ]     |

How to repeat:
Start building a model, quickly switch between different tables. This does not always work, sometimes i have to edit the structure for a while before the crash will occur.

Suggested fix:
Not sure how a purely virtual function could get called, thought that was a compilier checking thing...
[31 Aug 2010 5:02] Brian Crumrine
Having exactly this same problem, same OS, version, steps to reproduce, etc.  Very difficult to do any modeling - open Workbench, change, save, crash, open Workbench, change, save, crash, etc...
[31 Aug 2010 13:01] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Duplicate of http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=55910.