Bug #5577 Server fails to start with the error while loading shared libraries (ICC8 bin.)
Submitted: 14 Sep 2004 19:48 Modified: 7 Oct 2004 11:12
Reporter: Artur Graniszewski Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.0.21 OS:Linux (Linux)
Assigned to: Lenz Grimmer CPU Architecture:Any

[14 Sep 2004 19:48] Artur Graniszewski
So far I've been succesfully running many versions of MySQL 4.0.x on a dual PIV XEON system. After the release of ICC8 compiled MySQL (4.0.20) I've changed standard binaries for this new ones and had no problems with them. I've thought it will be the same with the newest, 4.0.21 version but this time I've had no luck. After trying to start the server with (and without) any of the command line options I've seen this error:

./mysql: error while loading shared libraries: libcprts.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

...so I've installed the needed ICC8 libraries (libcprts.so.5, etc) in the /usr/local/lib directory, but still with no success - the error remains the same.

What's more the 4.0.20-standard version (ICC8) runs fine for me even now.

I've been starting both versions with the same command line options (except the pathes).

My standard set command line to run the server:
nohup /var/mysql-4.0.21s/bin/mysqld --basedir=/var/mysql-4.0.21s --datadir=/var/mysql/var --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/mysql2/var/izyda.pid --skip-locking -O key_buffer=60M -O max_connections=400 -O table_cache=380 -O language=/var/mysql3/share/mysql/english/ -O wait_timeout=40 --skip-name-resolve -O query_cache_size=40M -O query_cache_type=1 -O query_cache_limit=20M 2 -O max_user_connections=20 -O max_tmp_tables=92 -O interactive_timeout=40 -O read_buffer_size=356000 >/dev/null 2>> /dev/null &

How to repeat:
./mysqld <any options>

Suggested fix:
Downgrade to 4.0.20?
[4 Oct 2004 16:55] Lenz Grimmer
Yes, you need to have the intel ICC shared libraries installed to resolve this library dependency. 
For now, I have made them available from here:


Also see bug#4408 for some more details.
[7 Oct 2004 11:12] Lenz Grimmer
I have now updated the package that includes the Intel libraries and moved it to a more prominent place - they should appear on http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/os-linux.html soon. Once the mirrors have caugth up, you should be able to download the package from the following locations:


MD5 checksum of the tarball should be: ed2693bf9e067865a30495f42d415eb4
The RPM has been GPG signed.