Bug #5484 | Japanese error messages are unreadable. | ||
Submitted: | 8 Sep 2004 22:27 | Modified: | 14 Apr 2005 16:59 |
Reporter: | Shuichi Tamagawa | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | 4.1.4-gamma | OS: | Windows (Win XP / SP1) |
Assigned to: | Matt Wagner | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[8 Sep 2004 22:27]
Shuichi Tamagawa
[2 Jan 2005 20:42]
MySQL Verification Team
Display error message
Attachment: japanese-error-message.PNG (image/png, text), 24.07 KiB.
[2 Jan 2005 20:45]
MySQL Verification Team
Hi Shuichi, I tested this issue on W2k SP4 Japanese version and attached a file showing the error message launched when issuing a command use database_name when that DB not exists. Could you please look if the text still is wrong ? ( I don't know Japanese :) ) Thanks in advance.
[6 Jan 2005 8:41]
Shuichi Tamagawa
Hi Miguel Yes the text is still wrong. I've attached the file in errmsg.txt file 4.1.8 which has been converted to sjis. Please use this file. Thanks
[6 Jan 2005 8:42]
Shuichi Tamagawa
errmsg.txt file in sjis encoding
Attachment: errmsg_sjis.txt (text/plain), 18.02 KiB.
[17 Jan 2005 9:21]
Alexander Barkov
We have a error message character set conversion on our TODO. I think it will be done in 5.0. For 4.1 a possible workaround would be to have two different files: share/japanese/errmsg.txt share/japanese-sjis/errmsg.txt My suggestion is not to add it into 4.1.
[20 Jan 2005 8:35]
Alexander Barkov
Shuichi, which tool did you use to convert the file? iconv produces an error for me: $iconv -f euc-jp -t shift-jis <errmsg.txt >errmsg-sjis.txt iconv: (stdin): cannot convert It looks the original file has some UJIS-incompatible characters. Thank you!
[20 Jan 2005 8:38]
Alexander Barkov
Hmm, iconv -f euc-jp -t cp932 <errmsg.txt >errmsg-sjis.txt worked fine. It looks like the file contains some Windows SJIS characters. Is that correct?
[20 Jan 2005 8:53]
Alexander Barkov
Shuichi, I added the SJIS version into 4.1. I'm reassigning the bug to Matt. Matt, can you please add japanese-sjis/errmsg.txt and errmsg.sys produced from it into Windows 4.1 distribution? Note, this change is only for 4.1 and does not affect 5.0 version.
[20 Jan 2005 12:17]
Alexander Barkov
Matt, I ported this change into 5.0. So japanese-sjis/errmsg.sys can be added into Windows 5.0 too.
[24 Jan 2005 4:23]
Shuichi Tamagawa
Hi Bar Actually I opend the file with a Japanese editor and just saved as sjis file on Windows. On my Linux environment (Suse 9.2, iconv 2.3.3), however, both commands worked fine. And as long as I see, there is no Windows SJIS characters in the file. Regards
[14 Apr 2005 16:59]
Matt Wagner
Fixed already in 4.1.11.