Bug #54669 Aggregator reports wrong total rows
Submitted: 21 Jun 2010 15:16 Modified: 28 Jan 2011 23:18
Reporter: Diego Medina Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Aggregator Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Michael Schuster CPU Architecture:Any

[21 Jun 2010 15:16] Diego Medina
if you send the exact same json data to the aggr during one minute, it will end up sending wrong counts to the dashbaord

How to repeat:
1- Install and start the aggr
2- get the server uuid of a server you are monitoring
3- use this text file and edit the server uuid:

$ cat json-data-999.txt 
                "query_text":"SELECT  name, symbol, conversion_rate FROM currencies WHERE status = 'Active' and deleted = 0",

4- run:
for x in {1..1000}; do
  curl -H"Content-Type: application/json" http://agent:mysql@ -T json-data-999.txt  ;
done ;

5- Go to the dashboard and notice the total number of executions and total number of rows, they should be the same, but they are not
[21 Jun 2010 15:20] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot

Attachment: 10400_EM-4614.png (image/png, text), 48.00 KiB.

[21 Jun 2010 15:23] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Diego Medina writes: 
Aggr log for those who may want to look at it
[21 Jun 2010 15:23] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot

Attachment: 10401_mysql-monitor-agent.log.gz (application/x-gzip, text), 5.05 KiB.

[21 Jun 2010 15:26] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Diego Medina writes:
gives me

parent: /instance/mysql/Server/7ce2233d-30fb-4549-b03c-9d905a1478fe
avg_exec_time = "0.29071803852889666"
bytes = 244
bytes_rel = 244
count = 571
count_rel = 571
database = "sugarcrm"
errors = 0
exec_time = 166
exec_time_rel = 166
max_bytes = 244
max_exec_time = 166
max_rows = 1
min_bytes = 244
min_exec_time = 166
min_rows = 1
no_good_index_used = null
no_index_used = null
query_type = "SELECT"
rows = 1
rows_rel = 1
text = "SELECT name , symbol , conversion_rate FROM currencies WHERE status = ? AND deleted = ? "
text_hash = "deedd1acb862fa05e00209744084556f"
warnings = 0



gives me

parent: /instance/mysql/StatementSummary/7ce2233d-30fb-4549-b03c-9d905a1478fe.sugarcrm.deedd1acb862fa05e00209744084556f
bytes = 244
comment = ""
connection_id = 112998
database = null
errors = 0
exec_time = 166
explain_plan = null
host_from = "tyr55"
host_to = "bur02.norway.sun.com"
no_good_index_used = null
no_index_used = null
query_type = null
rows = 1
source_location = ""
text = "SELECT name, symbol, conversion_rate FROM currencies WHERE status = 'Active' and deleted = 0"
user = "sugarcrm"
warnings = 0

[21 Jun 2010 15:47] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Diego Medina writes: 
you can omit rows form the json and just use affected_rows:

$ cat  json-data-999.txt 
                "query_text":"SELECT  name1, symbol, conversion_rate FROM currencies WHERE status = 'Active' and deleted = 0",
[21 Jun 2010 15:49] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Diego Medina writes: 
if yo use rows instead of  afftected_rows you see the same problem
[28 Jun 2010 12:34] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Diego Medina writes: 
To enable the aggregator on the "proxy process" you will need to add these lines to your mysql-monitor-ini file (the one you specify with --defaults-file


(change settings to fit your path)

you will also need plugins=aggr


the mysql server yo uare monitoring will always show red, because the "component" that makes it show green on the UI (Service manager / dashboard) is the agent, so, if you prefer to see the server as green to see that all is working ok, you also need to enable the "agent" plugin, this is a complete ini file I use:



# Common Parameters
keepalive = true

log-file = mysql-monitor-agent.log

# Agent Parameters
agent-mgmt-hostname =
agent-mgmt-username = agent
agent-mgmt-password = mysql
mysqld-instance-dir= etc/instances
agent-item-files = share/mysql-monitor-agent/items/quan.lua,share/mysql-monitor-agent/items/items-mysql-monitor.xml,share/mysql-monitor-agent/items/custom.xml
agent-uuid = f2ab6c8c-3361-4ce5-a5b3-c879e8d4d72a

# Proxy Parameters
proxy-backend-addresses =
proxy-lua-script = lib/mysql-monitor-agent/lua/quan.lua


[28 Jun 2010 12:42] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Diego Medina writes: 
The way the aggregator (aggr or agg for short) works is as follows:

A user runs his/her application using one of our connectors, let's say they use the Connector/C. Once they enable the connector/c plugin on their application, every time they send a query to their mysql database, the plugin will send a json packet to the aggregator, a sample json packet was included on this bug report (see json-data-999.txt ).

The aggregator receives this information, and every 10 seconds, it "aggregates" this data and sends it up to the service manager (also known as the dashboard or the UI)
This data is only related to quan (Query analyzer data). and you can also see it by going to the dashboard, login -> Tab Query Analyzer. This page will show you information  about the queries that were sent to the dashboard by the aggregator (also note that the proxy send similar data when used)

See this screen shot to see where the total rows column is on the dashboard

[7 Jul 2010 21:02] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Andy Bang writes: 
In build
[8 Jul 2010 20:22] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Diego Medina writes: 
2.2.2.x does not have the aggregator option on the installer, please do a 2.3 build so that I can test this bug.

(adding the aggr to the plugin list and adding the config options gives this error:


2010-07-08 16:18:35: (critical) MySQL Monitor Agent started.
2010-07-08 16:18:35: (critical) aggr_mainloop.c:757: lua(/Applications/mysql/enterprise/2.2/agent- failed: ...2/agent- module 'quan.math' not found:
        no field package.preload['quan.math']
        no file '/Applications/mysql/enterprise/2.2/agent-'
        no file '/Applications/mysql/enterprise/2.2/agent-'
        no file '/Applications/mysql/enterprise/2.2/agent-'
        no file '/Applications/mysql/enterprise/2.2/agent-'
        no file '/Applications/mysql/enterprise/2.2/agent-'
        no file '/Applications/mysql/enterprise/2.2/agent-'
[12 Jul 2010 14:01] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Michael Schuster writes: 
please build a 2.3 version w. this fix in
[30 Sep 2010 22:17] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Andy Bang writes: 
In build
[6 Oct 2010 14:57] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Diego Medina writes: 
Verified fixed on
[28 Jan 2011 23:17] John Russell
Added to 2.3.0 changelog:

If identical JSON-format data was submitted to the Aggregator within
the same 60-second window, the counts displayed on the Dashboard
could be incorrect.